went fly fishing for bream today . i had the first one on a stringer hoping to have enough for dinner tomorrow.after o few minutes i heard a rukkus next to the boat and this old gal, had my bream all the way in her mouth and wouldnt let go. i pulled her in for a look and sent her on her way!
I was fully expecting to hear a big turtle had latched on to the bluegill. What a bass! Caught with your hands, no less. That is so cool
That is one heck of a fish…
Hi Kid,
My first guess was a turtle too. That’s a very impressive fish. If you have any extra surprises like that please send a couple my way. 8T
I’ve never heard of a bass actually trying to take a fish from a stringer. I saw a gator eat a whole stringer of fish including the chain stringer when I used to fish in the Everglades, but I pretty sure the guys wern’t interested in trying to bring it in the boat to have a look:) Nice fish and I’m glad that you sent her on her way.
Jim Smith
With such a severe case of ‘hollow-belly’, I am surprised she didn’t take your hand when you reached for the stringer! She very clearly had just finished spawning. The possibility now exits that you can catch her again after she has recovered from the spawn and regained her weight. NICE FISH.
well i viewed it as a once in a life time happening lol. i have pulled up a string with a large moccasin on it but not this!i love this pond/small lake and we always return the big bass. once in a while i keep a couple 11/2-2 pounders and a few times a year we keep enough bream for a nice fish fry. this is my so-called “home waters” the fly rodding for bass is excellent, especially in the fall. i have caught a 12 1/2 pound bass but it was on a bait casting set-up. the fish in here are very large and a nice man from wildlife management over sees it and tells us what needs to be harvested.
mnklagoon, thanks for the picture a nd the story. Sometimes Mother Nature does surprise us and it’s pretty neat when she does. You have a very nice story there to pass on, take care, JOhn.
Very nice fish. Maybe next time she will hit your fly.
woo hoo! Biggie!
I haven’t had bass do that…but I have had Northern Pike do that when I’ve had walleyes on a stringer hanging over the side of the boat. We released this 39-incher after netting it…it just didn’t want to let go of the stringer!
Hi MNKLagoon,
Neat deal, neat story, and super neat fish. However, I do have to give you a bit of a bad time…I didn’t know you used bait when you were fly fishing. (Just kidding.)
i have always wanted to fish for pike!..one day…