Bread and ....

Years ago I had a landlady, Russian, who baked bread. The bread was great but, she had an improvement which I’d love to find. This whole concoction was baked in a large cake pan.
The bottom and top were bread and there was a filling of hamburger, onion and cabbage.
It seemed each one was separate, so there was filling in the middle and bread around each one.
I’m probably way off with the name, but maybe Krapka. Any ideas?
I’m guessing this was the forerunner to the American hamburger.

Sounds something like a runza ((bierock or fleischkuche). Bierock comes from the Russian word Perogi or pirozhki. It’s fresh yeast dough with a filling of beef, pork, sauerkraut, and onions … not usually ALL of them at the same time!! Bake 'em round or square, or rectangle. A standard in Nebraska!

Did a little Googling on this and found Kazakh Meat Pie at which pretty much describes this dish. It does not have cabbage in it, but I’m sure the cabbage was a local addition from whatever village she came from. Such is the case with a lot of ethnic recipes from around the world. they make use of that which is most plentiful. Perhaps her village planted a lot of cabbage so it was added to many dishes.

You were close on the name. It actually sounds pretty good because I like cooked cabbage meals.

There is actually a fast food franchise in NE called Runza(see site here!) Probably an acquired taste. My son and I were in Aurora or York (don’t remember) for his cousin’s wedding nd we had a little time to kill. He loves to eat so I took him to the Runza. He left some of the cabbage pasty on his plate, amazing from a kid who used to put ketchup on a Twinkie.
Coming soon to a town near you probably franchised as Papa Joe’s Pretty Good Bread and Cabbage Emporium. (canoe rides in season) :wink:

Ladyfisher, google krautburger. All kind of recipes. Same thing as the runza only I think better.

In Polish cuisine, there are these little cabbage, beef and onion roll ups ( in filo dough, white bread dough or puff pastry) . I guess they start out as dough (3 X 5 or so) rectangles spread with the sauteed mixture of ingredients, rolled up and baked . I’ve had them many times as appetizers, they’re great. I’ll bring some “store bought” to the MIFI.
As to what you originally described, sounds good but I’ve never heard of it in Slavic cuisine, The closest I can recall is a Lithuanian ( Baltic) concoction where the ingredients you described are layered between two layers of slivered potatoes and baked( the name escapes me). I’ve also had this dish and I almost gave up my Ukrainian heritage for the recipe.

PS: Starting to sound like there may also be some fishing done at the MIFI
PS: “Runzas” ain’t bad. The" NAME" will NEVER sell in Kalifornia though

In Bohemia(Slovakia) there is a dish like Joe found, I won’t try to spell the name but basically it’s a meat pie. If you don’t like that recipe or if you want the one I have pm me and I can Fax it or Give it to you over the phone. We had this at least 2 times a month when I was little, I make it for my kids now. Good cold too.

Krapka…LOL, anything with cabbage sounds like Krapka to me too.