While I was in Montana a story in a local paper caught my eye. ?Six dead from brain-eating amoeba?. The article was written by Chris Kahn of the AP. Turns out there is a killer amoeba living in lakes and it can enter the body through your nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die. The amoeba called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the US from 1995 to 2004. The CDC knows of several hundred cases worldwide since it was discovered in Australia in the 1960?s. This year three people in Florida, two in Texas and one in Arizona died from this amoeba. It is a warm water amoeba so stays in the southern part of the US.
I was referring to the location where I live. I know residents of my county that are still trying to catch up with the 20th century. One of our local politicians recently took an IQ test…and it came back negative!
Har, Har! Good one Gigmaster! Funny that where I live much the same can be said that people put more stock in whom your related to rather than what you can do, what you’ve achieved or trying to achieve. I’m not from the south but I find that some people are content to deal with what you can get here rather what you can contribute or bring in in order to move forward or into the future. Otherwise, they’re content with the status quo rather than progress… Or is that an incorrect assessment?
It’s no different anywhere else. Morons are everywhere.
A few years ago, I had to testify in a wrongful death lawsuit in Atlanta, because I had participated in writing up the autopsy report.
The Defense Attorney asked me" Dr., in your present official capacity, did you ever personally meet the deceased?'. “No.” I answered.
“Then, Dr. did you ever speak to the Deceased?”, he continued. I onced again responded negatively.
“Well, then Dr. Brothers, did you ever see the body or examine it personally?”. he asked.
" No sir, I was not physically present at the autopsy. I made the report based on notes and photographs taken by the Forensic Pathologist on duty at the time, accompanied by the lab results".
He looked like a hawk about to swoop in on his prey. “Then, by your own testimony, Dr. Brothers, it is just hearsay that you assume the Deceased is even actually dead. Would that not be correct, Dr.?”
“Sir”, I answered. “I have never met or spoken to the Deceased, as I have testified. I never saw the body. I do have his brain in a jar on my desk in my lab, but you are correct. For all I know, he may be out here practicing law somewhere…”