I don’t impulse buy very often but it was either buy it or the next guy was already counting out his cash so I got it. A 9ft sage #5wt 2 piece Launch. It is listed at the sage website for $175.00 US. I got it for $85.00 cdn or about $74.00 US. I came within a hairs breath of getting two but chickened out at the last minute. It comes with a really nice case and a lifetime warrentee. The shop closeout sale was a madhouse so I couldn’t cast it first. It was buy or die. Anybody got one of these and if so did I do ok? It sure is purdy. I also got 2 5wt SA fly lines for $25.00 cdn $22.00 US that were a huge bargain.
Gnu Bee,
HOW can you go wrong with a buy like that on a Sage? Congrats buddy…seems to me you should have bought 2. Probably could have unloaded the other for a quick profit AND a good buy for someone else.
Perfect for the Idaho Fish-In. A bargin besides…you did very well! :lol:
Thanks, now its gonna bug me I didn’t get both of them and a reddington for about $25.00 more.
At least now I don’t have to fish with junk.
Well except for my cheapo reels that is.
I coulda shoulda woulda bought the other for Her lovelyness. Except then I would have had to tell her I bought myself one and that wouldn’t be wise, nope really not wise at all.
I bought a 490 Launch this past spring at full price and feel like I got a good rod for the money - so you got an absolute steal. I wanted a Sage rod and cast several and I couldn’t find a reason to spend more on the other rods (as nice as they were) when comparing them to the Launch. At this point my 2 favorite rods are both 4 weights - a Cortland CL and the Launch … I guess I’m a cheap date.
Yep, you got a heck of a deal. I have cast that rod and it’s sweet for the money even at the almost $200. Another rod I highly and I cannot stress this enough… I HIGHLY recommend the Redington RS3 in a 4 or 5 weight 8’6" or 9’. Very sweet rod for the money…
Yep, i’d say you got a great deal too. You can’t go wrong with the Sage’s.
You did great,its always somebody besides me that gets them deals.Hope you enjoy it as much as I would.
You did very well… I have the 590 Launch 4 pc rod and it’s a dream… I love it…The price is fantastic…I gave the full $175 for mine