I read at the front of the BB that Google Bot and MSN Bot are registered users??
I read at the front of the BB that Google Bot and MSN Bot are registered users??
What’s a “bot” (Google or otherwise)?
The “bots” and “spiders” crawl across the internet to add content to their databases so that you can get “instantaneous responses” when you perform a search. These bots are the good bots and are necessary to provide current information to the databases. Within a few hours of posting a topic, that content is added to search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo, making it available to searchers. This is important to sites like FAOL where content is always being added, and is how searchers find sites like this.
Here’s a more detailed explanation of bots. http://www.ahfx.net/weblog.php?article=39
I know what they are, just kind of curious as to how they became registered users. Did they sign up one day so they could reply to a post? How did they pick a password? And with billions of sites, how does the google bot remember its passwords?
ginko biloba
They show up as registered users on most BBS’s nowadays. You’ll see them listed in the on-line users display quite frequently. It means they are doing things above board and with transparency. And that’s a good thing. My computer remembers my passwords and usernames too…been that way for many years now.
Betty bot = Robot…
The bad bots promote spam , porn , virus etc.
Gamers us bots to cheat at their games for example you can make yourself invincible , run up your score with out effort etc.
Some people use bots to run up their scores on the free casino games , the higher your score is the more tickets you can enter into the prize $ draws. A bot will play the game for you 24/7/365 so you don’t have to.
and of course there are good bots like the google, msn Yahoo, etc.
Most of it is a mystery to me!
yes, i’ve seen bots too. also now theres a J Castwell, and a J. Castwell. Wonder which one i should PM if i want to ask him something?
WWFF, Choose carefully. You don’t want to get JC’s evil brother.
:shock: Marvin is missing… coincidence … I think not! :shock:
Betty bot? We have a Betty bot? :shock:
:shock: kewl! 8)
I think a Bot won that Elkhorn Classic Fly Reel