Boston area.....Thanksgiving

Any thoughts on a place to fly fish relatively close. Within an hour or 2?
Actually I will be with the witches in Salem.

What do you want to fish for? Freshwater or salt? Give us a little more info. 2 hours from Boston puts you into a LOT of fishing options.

Trout streams.

Not saying’ it can’t be done, but fishin’ up this way is over except for the hard core few.
For the most part in Mass., only ponds are stocked with trout in the fall.
There are exceptions and closest river to where you’ll be is the Nissitissit River in Pepperell.
The Swift River in Ware in a tailwater and has good water temperature all winter. It’s a popular place to fish so the trout there are extremely educated. It’s also a good two hours or more from Salem
Most other rivers in Mass worth your time are even further.
Many fly fishers from the Metro area even travel to the Farmington River in western CT to get their trout fix in the winter.

If it were me, I’d skip the fishing and do some sightseeing along the coast
Marblehead, Cape Ann, Plum Island…Maine?..Plymouth?

Seen enough coastline. The wife makes me go to the beach every year, whether I want to or not :).
I know what you mean though. The coast there can be very pretty. I’m sure what we wind up doing will be weather-dependent and I am flexible.
Might bring the skiis too :slight_smile: (Dynastar 63s if anyone knows what they are)

Farmington is still fishing OK:

Bring your bamboo rod, 10x tippet and 26-28 BWO

In the Ipwich area, which is near Salem, look for some “warmwater” ponds with some excellent bass and bluegill fishing. Ipwich has a great flyshop that can provide directions. Near there is the Merimac River that has a good reputation for smallies. I’m sure there are trout streams in the area but I just don’t fish for them. I can attest to this, that there are almost unlimited fishing opportunities around the Boston/Cape Cod areas. Not all of it is salt nor trout. JGW