Book Review - Great new book to challenge your thinking

Book Review: Neil M. Travis

“The point is, a trout’s brain does not allow for higher functions. Higher brain activity like creativity and multistage problem-solving almost entirely takes place in the cerebral cortex, the gray wrinkly outer part of the brain that you probably picture when someone says the word brain. One step below the cerebral cortex on the brain-power scale is the basal ganglia a collection of smaller structures in the brain that appear to be more involved in learning from experience and the trial-and-error style of decision-making. And one step lower on the functioning scale is the cerebellum, which is mostly geared to physical coordination and complex movement.”

This quote sets the tone for the material contained in this book. Walt challenges all anglers, not just trout anglers, to reexamine their ideas about the fish they are attempting to catch. His book contains many examples of conclusions that have been arrived at by careful observation and by scientific facts. The book is well illustrated with diagrams and photographs.

The author, Walt Fulps was born in San Diego, California to a military family. He discovered trout when stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, during elementary school and began teaching himself to fly fish in 1978. He graduated from Southwest Missouri State University in 1992 with a degree in Therapeutic Recreation and spent most of his early career working in the areas of experiential and adventure therapy.

After returning to the Missouri Ozarks in 2002, he designed and published the website and almost immediately began developing a following. He’s been guiding, teaching, and writing about trout and fly fishing ever since, and he also takes groups of clients to Prince of Wales Island, Alaska every September for the annual Coho salmon run.

This book will challenge many of the things you thought you knew about trout and fish in general. If you are an angler, you must read this book.

Trout are Stupid - and other uncomfortable truths
Author: Walt Fulps
Paperback: 196 pages
Publisher: Mykiss Media -copyright April 1, 2019
ISBN-10: 0692163913
ISBN-13: 978-0692163917