Book Comparison Questions

I own Two Centuries of Soft Hackled Flies and was considering buying The Soft Hackle Fly Addict. Can someone compare the two for me? Are they redundant or similar?

I also am considering Favorite Flies and Their Histories.

Can I get some feed back on these books? Any help is appreciated.

This may help some.

Thank you JC. I guess I should learn to use the search engine better.

How about the book Favorite Flies and their Histories by Mary Orvis Marbury. Any input about this one?

We have it here and use it often. I think you will like it.

I thank you. I hope you and LF have a very wonderful Christmas and New Years.


MHO, Interesting and historical book with colorful plates of flies along with recipes. Can be gotten in the $10-20 range.


In my opinion, one can never have too many books.


We are in complete agreement there. They aren’t as high speed as the newfangled satuff, but the printed word still holds power. Just ordered a couple new ones from the UK on wet flies of all things.


Dub, DG, RE,

I very much agree with what you are saying. I was just hoping not to be buying books that had a lot of duplicate material.:smiley:

But if u searched none of us would have read this nor known of those books.


I fish and tie a lot of wet flies and also collect books on tying and fishing wet flies these three copies of Sylvester Nemes books are in my library. You wont be disappointed in having them in yours. There’s lots of great information in them.

Thanks Wetfly1,
Ordered them today. Don’t have the patience for regular mail, I had to speed the shipping up. Should have them Tuesday.

You are only about 1 hour from me. Where all do you fish?

rookie I’ll send you a PM.

Rookie, The Art of the Wet Fly by Roger Fogg just arrived on my doorstep rom the UK. I’ll let you know how I like it after I’m into it a bit.

Still waiting on Pritt’s Yorkshire Flies.



Very interested in how I may acquire those two books for my collection. Care to share how you got them?

i have really enjoyed reading Nemes… i’m hoping to grab his book ‘spinners’ next- Dave Hughes ‘wet flies’ is a great book also.

Hi Ron,

I would definitely be interested in you keeping me posted.



Your right, Wet flies by Hughes is a great book. I would venture to say a must for the wet fly fisherman and tyer.

rookies post inspired me,

Just ordered Soft Hackled Fly Imitations. I have Nemes other two books evidently this one is a collector.

It’s always fun helping someone else spend their money Ron especially when it’s something you know they will enjoy.:smiley: