Bonefishin' in Hawaii

So, I am going to Oahu to watch the Superbowl. The Airlines must be hurting big time (no surprise there) because I got a round trip ticket from Los Angeles for $200. I have a buddy who lives there… but he don’t fish.

Anyway, I have a day set aside for some fishing. Anyone have a line on some bonefishing there? I can’t afford to charter a boat, so I’m looking to do some wading?

Worst cast scenario is I end up on the beach with a Corona in my hand.

Here is a guide service that works out of Oahu:

You can also contact:
Don Memmer at (He lives on the islands.)

or Dan Hall, (Honolulu Gator), at

They should be able to help you.
DickM. :cool:

thanks for the heads up

Where’s the fishing report?

If you don’t find bonefish, there’s also Peacock Bass (as well as largemouth bass and tilapia) in the freshwater reservoirs on Kaua’i…if you happen to make it over there.

Best of luck! :smiley:

Humuhumunukunukuapua’a no ka oi! :stuck_out_tongue: