Since JeffHamm posts often on this Forum, I thought it would be the appropriate place to post a “Bon Voyage” message to him and his family as they prepare for their journey from New Zealand to Nova Scotia the next couple days.
I know you all will join me in wishing Jeff, Vanessa and Genesta a safe and troublefree trip, and a Joyful Christmas and New Year with family in NS.
As another one of our friends from down under would say - All the best, Jeff.
Thanks guys! We fly out tomorrow. Will be checking in on things when I get the chance. No fishing in NS until spring though. I’m taking my 3 weight with me, and a box of flies. Leaving the tying kit behind though. Not sure how I will surive, but it’s just too heavy, and customs on the return trip could be a hassle. I’m sure I won’t last, and I’ve packed an old vice and a bobbin holder and hackle pliers. So, I’ll be picking at my sweater soon! ha!
Take care everyone, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
It is good to have you coming back to Canada. I hope you have a nice time with your family. Let me know if you need something, I am just next door. I can ship some things to you for tying or fishing if need be.
Thanks again! Well, we’re just about done packing and we’re off tomorrow. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been back home so I’m really looking forward to it. Will let you all know when we get there. It will take a few days, with a few days stop over in BC to visit with some of my cousins. Tight lines everyone.
Well, we’ve made it to Nova Scotia. The flight to Vancouver took 12.5 hours (11,560 plus change in km; just shy of 7000 miles I think). Genesta did amazingly well, and only got upset during landing (air pressure on the ears type thing). Stayed there two nights with a cousin of mine and her family. That was really nice, and fun.
We were delayed out of Vancouver, which worked well as our connection flight in Toronto was also delayed due to heavy snow (otherwise we would have missed it).
Anyway, we made it to my parents at midnight. Some of our luggage required an extra day though. Oh well, it all made it here in the end.