Boca Grande Update

Boca Grande, Fl has been in perfect shape for anglers wanting to site fish big redfish in shallow water. The many islands in the area protect you from the wind. The water is clear adn we have abundant sunshine. The reds are found over shallow sand flats where they are easily visible. Casting small shrimp and crab patterns on 6 wt. or 7 wt. rods allows every angler to get plenty of good shots at the fish.
The next week will have good incoming tides and 70 degree+ temperatures. The fishing will be very good. In addition to the reds there are seatrout and ladyfish aplenty in the basins of the backcountry. Although these are smaller than the redfish, a large ladyfish will put your 6 wt. in the backing all the while jumping like a tarpon.
Visit me at to see some of our recent catches.
Fish Hard,
Capt. Pete