bluegill spawn!

The bluegill are finally on the beds at my local pond :smiley:
im excited
went out yesterday and most of them had other things on there mind but if you could find a single fish alone near the outskirts of the bed he would take your fly. they were also very spooky because 3 6-8lb bass kept coming by and harassing the bluegill and eating a few if they felt like it :lol:

are the bluegill on there beds where you guys all live??


Here in my East Texas ponds we’ve already had at least two BG spawns…and with the May full moon coming up should have another one. I’ve found that the spring full moon times are absolutely the best times for catching those bull BG.


Which local pond? Loch Lomond? That’s one of my favorite spots for blue gill and it doesn’t look very far from you.

I’ll have to check some ponds closer to work (silicon valley area) to see if they’re bedding up as well.


the pond im talking about is mcalpine lake in san juan bautista. :smiley:
i just caught a 2 pound bluegill there the other day 8)
that was fun on my 3wt

I had a great day as well. About 20 fish with several 12 inch fish and one beautiful 15 inch fish. Even on my five weight it was a challenge keeping some of the big boys out of the submerged tree tops.

Jim Smith

Whent out yesterday and caught quite a few. they were smaller 8 - 10 inch, but had lots of color. Water temp was 71. Went back today, surface temp was 68 and only caught 1 near the beds. A few more warmer days and they should be going strong.

Yep. Up here near Petaluma they are where they belong too. 8) 8) 8)
…lee s.

The bluegill here “bedded” last week or so. I would have fished for them but I didn’t have any blue gill sized flies at the moment. Only bass.

haven’t spawned yet here at the local lake. they aren’t hitting hardly at all.

Hey Fly&Tie,

A two…POUND…bluegill, you say? Lord have mercy! Has your wrist recovered?

“Better small than not at all.”

yep! a TWO POUND bluegill :shock: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
but i got it on my 5wt so my wrist does not hurt that bad :smiley:
that was a more rare catch at the local lake
but i have caught them that size on my 7’ 3wt :shock:
boy was that fun :lol: