anybody have instructions on how to “blend dubbing”? Pictures would be nice also. I did find a site awhile back that had everything, but i can’t seem to find it anywhere.
anybody have instructions on how to “blend dubbing”? Pictures would be nice also. I did find a site awhile back that had everything, but i can’t seem to find it anywhere.
I used a inexpensive coffee grinder. I didn’t have a precise formula for mixing the dubbing.
Small amounts of dubbing can be blended by hand simply by picking small bits of dubbing from one hand to the other. For larger amounts or ease of blending get a blade type coffee grinder as Doug suggested. Works wonders.
does a blender or a coffee grinder work better? I think i read if you use a blender you have to add some water?
I have blended dubbing by hand and with a blender in water. Once you try a coffee grinder, you will find that it is by far the fastest and easiest way to blend dubbing. You can usually pick up a coffee bean grinder for around $12.00 or cheaper if you shop yard sales and Goodwill stores.
Jim Smith
I use both blender and coffee grinder. I actually prefer the blender but only after removing the regular canister and replacing it with a small jar just large enough for the blades to clear. I blend dry, not wet. Either seems to work well.
i have always used a blender and done it dry. my dubbings have always came out to perfection the way i wanted them 8)
i’ll have to keep an eye out for yard sales. no goodwill stores around here. Any body know if Wally World has coffee grinders? I checked for blenders but the cheapest i saw was $20.00. I really don’t want to pay that much for something that hair is gonna go through but if i have to i will.
Coffer grinder for me - does it dry too… and even if you don’t want to blend any it fluffs up the dubbing nicely and makes it easier to work with. I would never bother to wet mix and dry it out, too much hassle for me. I would thing that 12-15 US would easy get one anywhere.
You can pick up a coffee grinder at wal-mart for about $ 13.
What everyone else said already. Coffee Grinder—buy a new one for $15 bucks. Save your marriage and don’t use the one in the kitchen—ever! :lol: 8T
I got my coffee grinder at Wally World for $12. It is perfect for dubbing. John
Anyone have trouble with static electricity?
Nope. (???)
My coffee bean grinder has a plastic cup and I do have problems with static electricity when I use it. Nothing that I cannot live with though. I have been told that if you wipe the inside of the cup out with a dryer sheet, it will cut down on the static electricity. I have not tried that because it isn’t that big of a problem for me. I will try it the next time around and see how it works out.
For static electricity just wipe inside and around the outside with any brand anti-static sheet. Keep the sheet near your tying area because you can use it to reduce static in your hair stacker and to even wipe down a patch of hair before using it. Side benefit - smells okay too.
Warren…I’ve tried the dryer sheets and also the anti-static spray and do not feel there was any improvement.
I have kept an eye out for a glass jarred small blender but haven’t come across one.
Having said that, I must say lately it has not been as much of a problem. I do think there is a difference in brand of coffee grinder…never throwing anything away…over the years I’ve tried a few. :roll:
Well i’m not married (only 15) but my mom won’t let me use hers. I’ll look next time at wally world. If there is one for $15 or less i’ll get it and try it out. Now if i wanted hares mask dubbing all i’d have to do is cut it off the mask and put it in the grinder? About how long should i leave it in? Anybody have any dubbing formulas that the would like to share?
Thanks to all so far
The MOST important accessory for Dubbing is the Dispenser.
OASIS Dubbing Dispenser
if you got one fom walmart which one do you have? Who was it made by?