anyone know if polyestor or nylon cord/rope/paracord/whateveryouwannacallit can be bleached? i wanted to do some paracord minnows but the only paracord i can find that is the right width is camouflage. i want to do them in all white. so can these materials be bleached? or is the material internally colored in some way so that bleach will have no effect? thanks for any info.
Polyester doesn’t bleach at all - but some nylons will take bleach or dye very well. Polester requires very high temperatures and a chemical agent to assist the dyeing process - which is why bleach has no effect.
You can probably do it, but it will be messy, time consuming, expensive, and the results won’t be all that great. I know that any time you are trying to get something from ‘colored’ all the way back to ‘white’, it seldom works.
Rather than spend the time and effort to try to change the color, I’d think that with access to the internet and some digging you could find the right size and color of cord. May not be able to walk into a store and buy it, but it’s out there. Certainly would be cheaper, and probably faster, too.
DDR, I don’t know about dyeing , but if you are looking for white paracord, try checking out white shoe or boot laces. You might find something as a suitable replacement.
white paracord
Buddy & Norman have the right idea, search & buy.
I even saw some pink paracord at the Sportsman’s Show I went to last week.