I need some recommendations. I want to build a new 5 weight blank. I’d like a 9’ multi piece rod and I need to keep the blank around $100. I’d prefer a Sig V, but it is more than I want to spend right now.
My current list includes Dan Craft FTL, Batson RX8, TFO TiCr or TiCrX, Cabela’s FT+ or SLi, and the H&H HHX. I haven’t cast any of these, though. Can anyone give some opinions/feedback on any of these, or any recommendations I’ve overlooked? TIA.
If that’s what you really want, just be patient, put your spare change in a jar every day, then buy buy the SigV when you have the money. Very simple solution. If you’re like many of us, you probably don’t NEED another rod, you just WANT another rod.
Joseph the Simple
More people have believed that the world is flat than round. Reason and logic can lead one astray in buying fly fishing stuff too. Never use reason, judgment nor logic when laying out your hard earned cash for reels or rods.
Buy with emotion. Only emotion. That way, if it doesn’t work well, you will still have the one you liked. Buy with your heart, not your head.
J.C. …Best advice I’ve seen here for a long time…ModocDan
I have cast the tfo’s batson’s and cabella’s. Hate the cabella’s love the tfo’s and batson’s. Once again though it goes to personnal prefference. The TFO’s are to fast for my style the batson’s are ok either one depending on what you want are good. Once again though if you want a Sig V save the money for it. Just my 2 cents.
Probably true. I like the Sig V because that is what I have now and am used to. I didn’t like it when I first got it, but with some use and practice, it has become my favorite. BUT, since I have a 4 weight in the Sig V line, I don’t mind expanding my horizons. I really wouldn’t mind trying something new, but don’t have the opportunity to cast many rods around my neck of the woods. I’m not sure how well I’d like an extremely fast rod like the RX8 or the TFO, but I want something lighter with a quicker recovery rate than the lower/intermediate stuff I’m used to. I also think I can get a GL3 in the range I’d prefer.
BTW, how does the Dorber line fit in here?
haven’t tried the dober line yet so I could not say
I have a cabelas 7 pc 5 wt 9’ and I actually like it. In fact I for some reason bought two of the blanks and now have an extra that I may be looking to sell. I also just built on a 4 pc TFO finesse series. The difference in the finessse series is that they are not as fast as the other TFo models IMHO. The workmanship on th eblanks is top notch and servire after is also great.
May I suggest a Sevier (Tiger Eye) blank. I have built several of these and recently switched over to these as my standard build blank. The color and action of the blank is identical to the Sage SLT (formerly the SP). It is a mod/fast action and is available in 2 piece or multi-piece. They are available from many sources such as, Dan Craft, and Neal’s, to name just a few. For reviews on these blanks you can check “Rod Builder”.com or Rodbuildingforum to name a few. They fall in your price range also. Good luck with your choices…
Dorbers are much like the Sevier Tiger Eye blanks.
One of my favorite rods is a Cabela’s 5pc ‘Stowaway’ I got the blank on sale for about $35. I originaly got it as a spare rod for the drift boat, but it turned out so nice it’s now my favorite 5wt!
Have you tried the 7 piece version? They are on sale at the moment, and look interesting.
For a factory built…The Stowaway is tuff to beat. I have a 5 piece that resides in my pick-up and probably gets used more than any rod I own. As for the 7pc. Stowaway my friend has one and I found it rather clumsy compared to the 5pc. Just my opionion though. One thing nice about Cabelas…they will take it back if you have a problem of any kind. PS…if building a rod is your goal ,the stowaway is also offered in a kit too. Again good luck in your choices.
A friend just built a 7’9" 5 weight 4 piece for me-it’s light as a feather and one sweet rod. If they make a blank a bit longer, the finesse might be a good choice. Think the blank was less than $100.
I think I may have found my solution. I talked with Dan Craft last night and explained what I was looking for, and he told me to consider the FTL. It casts very close to the Sig V but weighs less, and I can throw in a set of new style Titan guides and an amboyna seat for what the Sig V blank costs because he just put them on overstock pricing. And it is a 6 piece rod that will be able to travel well. That makes it do everything I was wanting, and a bit more.
I hate to contribute to price creep, but Hook & Hackle is running the Rainshadow (Bastson) RX7+ blank at 40% off, or about $138. This is the best medium fast action blank I have ever cast and it is also one of the best looking. I already have it in a 5wt and I’m starting a 6wt build. I like the RX8, but that is a faster action blank, better suited to higher line weights IMHO.