Blank came marked for spline . .

My blank came with what I assume are spline marks already on all 4 pieces. Do I put the guides on the sides with the marks, or the side opposite the marks?


I always put my guides on the side with the marks, which is the “soft” side of the blank. I know people ( the minority, I might add here) who put the guides on the “stiff” side which is 180 degrees from the soft side.


Assemble the rod using the provided marks and check the spine. How do you like it? Does it match the marks?I agree with Joe to put the guides on the opposite side of the marks. Try assembling the guides temporarily on one side and cast. Try the other side and cast. What is better for your style? Once you get that , build accordingly. The great joy of a custom built rod is it will match with what you like and what works for you.

To test cast, the ferrules would have to be wrapped. One of the guides goes in a ferrule wrap . . . . . . . . . This is a Scott A2 blank. I like the factory rods, so I assume they are on the sides with the marks???


wraping the ferrule guide is a bit of time but the results in your final rod would be worth the extra time.

Most factory marked blanks are marked on the straightest axis NOT the spine.

Whether to build on a spine or on the straightest axis is a VERY long debate with days of reading various opinions.