Blackberry Storm

Got one this morning. My first phone of this type. Held out thru the Blackberry revolution and I-Phone revolution.

So far so good.

I wish I held off a few month and bought the Storm instead of the Curve. Don’t get me wrong I like my Curve, but that Storm is really nice.

I miss my Blackberry. My company is going to Window’s Mobile Devices and I have now had two of them. I first tried the Tilt (it’s a small lead brick) and now am using the Motorola MotoQ. It’s ‘kinda’ like a BlackBerry but not quite.

Now the only problem is going through airport security and forgetting my phone and asking the nice TSA officer if I can have my WMD back.

No joke, my boss actually did that and he missed his flight trying to explain the situation to someone with absolutely NO sense of humor…

Blackberry - Arrrrgh!

My employer provides a number of nice benefits. Health Insurance, 401k contributions, a paycheck, and unfortunately a Blackberry that works in far to many places inside and outside the U.S. I hate the thing.

But seriously, If I didn’t have to carry one around most of the time I would probably have a Storm for personal use.

I will try to post things I find nice an annoying about it.

So far lining up the keys to push is a minor pain. Seems like you have to hit slightly left of center for the keys to work properly. Don’t know if there is a centering option but I am getting used to it. Also you can’t type with anything other than your fingers(or thumbs). Innanimate objetcs won’t work on the screen. So if you have really big fingers you might opt for one with buttons(that you can then push with a pen.

Seems a bit slow between screens on the device but is pretty quick on the browser.

The “click” you feel when you push a screen button is nothing more than the screen itself moving. The whole screen moves in when you push on it. Nothing ‘magical’ here.