Black Hills, SD, Sept06

A short share from the fall “fishing” trip!

Great pictures! The scenery is so great in the Black Hills that sometimes it doesn’t matter, but…Did you catch any fish?

Actually, that’s why I put fishing in quotes!! While I did catch a number of fish, I spent a good bit of this trip really, really sick, and did more knitting and picture taking than fishing!

more knitting than fishing?

my head might explode.

Well, unfortunately, yes. When you’re spending most of you time (excuse me) throwing up, you gotta go with what takes the least amount of concentration!

Absolutely beautiful pictures!! I was a little disappointed that there was no picture of “hippers & no Levis” :wink:

Really were great pictures and sorry you were not feeling well at the time and pray you are feeling better now.

Lovely pictures, I make “Thank You” cards, for the Route Gratuities, I receive on my paper route. I like to stay with a season theme for the card cover.
Thank you for sharing some Jpegs, I can use. !~Parnelli

those pics look like they should be in a calender

Hi Betty,

Beautiful pictures, they make me want to be in the Hills this weekend. I have a question about the first two pictures. I know the bridge in the second picture. If I?m right it?s the first wooden bridge on Rapid Creek, upstream from Silver City. I caught my fist trout in the pool upstream from this bridge. Is the first picture of the bridge with snow the same bridge?

Thanks for sharing!


Hey there Betty,
Hope your ails have all left by now.
We’re headed thataway this coming Sunday. Plan to stop and visit with Elliott in Rapid City on our way to Y’Stone and… We’re leaving three weeks later this year onaccounta a wedding this Saturday, but, after that, we’re off. Trouts beware!!!
Your pics are great.


If you think those pictures are great, you should see the pictures we will take next Spring if (or do I dare say “when”) we have the Black Hills Fish-In…

(hi betty)

Betty, I hope that you are feeling better. Was that snow <brrr!!!> in the first picture? In September? Man! Monday evening I was fishing a mayfly hatch, and not BWOs, either.

But Betty… fish? S.D.? For years now you tell me there ain’t no fish in S.D., now you say there is? I’m, I’m so confused. :?

RevCraig … that bridge, with the snow on it, is from the camp ground on the Little Spearfish out on Hanna road. It was incredibly beautiful!

EdD … yep! snow!! about 5 "! Usually can count on sonow both in our May trip, and again in the Sept trip. Picture was taken fairly early in the morning, and by mid afternoon there were hatches happening on the stream!

Parnelli … too kewl! Will you give photographer credit? :shock: :lol: :roll: That’s really a high compliment. Thank you.

WarrenP … I don’t think so!!! :shock:

All, and Marco … back to fat, and sassy again! Thank you. Kribbit!

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Sick or not, you DO take fine photos. I just feel bad that you weren’t able to fully enjoy your trip.
Take care,

Ummm … Swen? do you see any fish in these pictures? I think not!! :shock:

great job Betty - pics, no fish, and not letting a little illness keep you down.

:slight_smile: Hi Betty,
Glad you are doing better, the pics are FANTASTIC.

Very nice Betty. Took me back. For a second I thought those turkeys were tortoises. Putting down the wine now.

There are two seasons of the year that I really enjoy being outdoors taking in the scenery, Spring when the leaves are just opening on trees and bushes, and Autumn when the tress and bushes are in full color.

In Spring, there is a wonderful week, when the trees and bushes, leafs have that unique yellow- green shade of color as the chloroform develops the leafs coloration.

Autumn colors, what is there not to enjoy on a sunny Autumn day, when the forests look like a painter’s palate full of different colors of paints.

Both are a fleeting glimps of nature’s artistry at its best. ~Parnelli