My wife and I are plannning a trip to the Black Hills area next June to see the “usual cast of tourest attractions”. But I would like to get in some trout fishing.
Any info will be welcome as we have never been there.
When I think of the Dakotas, somehow I just do not picture beautiful country like that, great photos, really makes you want to be there. By the way, catch any fish on the broom?
The Black Hills are truly spectacular! The Monuments, the National and State Parks, the wide open spaces, and its’ crowning jewels … the people. Oh, yah, there’s fly fishing, too!
One suggestion I always make, check out the book by Steve Kinsella, Trout Fishing in the Black Hills. In it, he describes places to fish, and the exact directions on how to reach them. His book has been a great aid to us in our roaming. The entire area has been going through a tremendous drought for several years. The snow fall and rains of this last winter and spring have helped somewhat. The levels are still lower than when FAOL had its fish-in there in 1999, but still hold very willing fish.
If you all are in to hiking, as a way to reach the streams, or just for the grand sake of hiking, there are wonderful trails to hike also. Some follow the rivers and streams, and some reach mountain tops.
If you have specific questions, you are welcome to PM me … or post them on here for all to see.
What ever you decide to do in the Black Hills, it’ll be a trip to remember!!
I’m really looking forward to my annual fall visit to the Hills in September. This year I get to go twice; I was already there in early July. A wonderful place, and yes, there are trout.
Check out the series of articles, “Home Waters”, by the late Al Campbell. Just search “Home Waters” at the FAOL main page. Lots of info about the streams of the Black Hills.
Call or stop in at Dakota Angler & Outfitter in Rapid City, and talk with Hans Stephenson.
And of course there’s lots to do besides fishing. Outstanding scenic drives (Spearfish Canyon, Needles Highway, Iron Mountain Road), wildlife in Custer State Park, I could go on and on. Enjoy your trip and let us know how it went.