Black and Grizzly Bear Hair

I was just given a bit of this in tanned pieces trimmed from bear skin rugs. Some of the pieces are not as fluffy as others… it was trimmed from the edges… But it makes a good streamer and the underfur makes extremely translucent dubbing.

The black bear is all quite black as AK bears are seldom any other color (aside from some places in the interior) and the grizzly is mostly dark honey colored.

If anyone wants some I have enough to share. Please send a PM with your mailing address and I will drop some in the mail. Please let me know if you want both or just one or the other. This is all 100% legal to own and tie with, though some states do have laws against selling bear hair. Selling flies would be a bad idea unless you verify it is okay.

E-mail sent Hap

Pm sent Hap, and thanks.


The 10 Pms I have received so far will get some… If I have some left after setting them aside I will post here again. Glad to see the immediate response and the restraint some have shown.

Somebody asking me for a piece of grizzly big enough to “tie a couple streamers” is showing enough class to deserve at least a little more than that! :wink:

Looks like I can do another half dozen of each and keep the pieces big enough to make it worthwhile… Trying to get samples of a broad range of hair type for each.

Some of the grizzly is much darker than I thought and it is marked. The black bear will not be marked.

PM Sent!


PM sent hap. Thanks.

Still a few left…

I sent a PM



PM Sent, Thanks


PM sent.


Just a note REE …I noticed one fella from Canada wanting some of that. It might be a problem, so you may need to check with customs before posting it.

Any chance of getting some, or is it all gone again ?

Mark k
Please send me your addy and I will see if I can get all of these filled… Tried to get a box of 6x9 manilla envelopes to mail them in today and I do not see where my wife put them…

She is not here to ask, either… Will try to get these in tomorrow’s mail.

Thinking we have wrung about all the packages we can out of this hairball! :wink:

Hap -

I’m pretty well set for bear hair.

Just wanted to say this is a neat thing you’re doing.


PM sent. And a big THANK YOU!

A big thanks hap

All 20 envelopes are addressed and most are filled. Will get them in Tuesday’s mail…

Finally got the fur out in today’s mail. It should start arriving very soon…

Hap, I don’t need any, but wanted to comment on how generous you are with your offer. Greatest people in the world are outdoorsman. Cool thing to do.:cool: