Birthday Flies - September

Do you have or know a young person who would like a dozen flies for his or hers birthday? If so, send me a PM with an address and I will get them in the mail.

I will honor the first 4 responses. Lets limit this to September birthdays and if this goes OK I will try a repeat next month.


That is very nice gesture. It says a whole lot of what this site is about. Too bad I’m an old duffer, Sept 23rd 1939!!
Keep us posted as to how this goes.

Jack, I was going to ask Tim to define young…Sept.21 for me…but then I counted the flies I already have :oops:

Tim , another nice gesture…I know you’ve done it before…class act 8)

Tim, my daughter Kendra finally made it over here today. She was flabergasted with the flies you sent to her. She is only 8 but she sure knows how to appreciate the flies. She said to tell you thanks very much. I also want to thank you for this very nice gesture. John