went to doc today. the biopsy says it’s definitely cancer. the pathologist couldn’t say whether it’s squamous cell or a transfer. tests start tomorrow at 11:15. the list the doc gave me is for 4 tests. i was really close to tears of fright then something inside kicked in and said fear is the way to become defeated. i’ll not be defeated because of fear. so i got myself into the present and told the doc lets get on with it and do everything we can. there’ll be a colostomy at some point in the near future and nearly 100% probability of chemo. no radiation, i had all the radiation one person can take in 2009. my wife, family and friends are 100% in support and i’ll very likely get involved in one of the many cancer support groups here. i’ll bless each day as it rolls around, live it to the fullest my old body and soul can muster.
I have a strong feeling you are going to beat this! You my friend are in my thoughts and prayers…
Wes, thanks for the update. good for you for looking despair in the face and telling it to get lost. my prayers are yours! keep your chin up and keep us posted.
We’re praying & you’re fighting. Sounds like a winning combination to me, Wes!
Prayers coming from Ohio.
God Bless,
Hang in there Wes. Had 3 of 10 of my biopsy needles showed Cancer, 4 years ago. Went thru all the tests. After 3 + years we have it under control.
I am sure you will also. I like your attitude. You will have some major decisions to make as the tests come in, with your Dr. and pehaps your family. Keep well informed. Ask questions and demand (gently like a bull dog) answers. Have faith and keep your chin up. I am sure it will all work out. You are not the first nor are you the last. Today our Dr’s have a ton of info backing them.
You & your family are in my prayers. By the way, tying is very good therapy. Tie lots.
Feel free to phone me any time if you want to talk. 509-999-7472
THAT’S THE ATTITUDE WES!!! Your initial reaction is quite understandable! Denny has given you some very good advice. All the best to you, and yes, please keep us updated.
Respectfully yours, Dave S.
You’re in my thoughts Wes. Hope things all go in the best way possible. You’ve got the right attitude. A big part of healing comes from that, so you’re well on your way. Take care.
- Jeff
positive thinking is always best. My friend Bruce Ristow was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. He had every imaginable type of treatment there is and finally surgery. He stayed positive. These photos are from last year. He is cancer free and I have a hard time keeping up to him on the stream.
Be positive.
wes prayers here in VA for you too, every day is indeed a gift, enjoy today …
God Bless
Positive thinking is a very powerful personal tool and we all have it; some people choose to use it but other choose to ignore it. I am glad to hear you say the fight is on. You my friend are in my thoughts and daily prayers along with your family. God Bless.
More prayers from Montana. Keep up the positive attitude, it’s essential for your healing.
Wes, prayers from your old Idaho stomping grounds. Keep with the great attitude. We’re with you, brother.
Wes, I will say many prayers for you.
thanks everyone. just got back from ct scan and xray and blood work. lots of time waiting but believe it or not the chairs in the waiting areas are comfortable.
That the spirit, Wes. Keep the positive attitude going. It will a huge help in the recovery process. You can add me to the list of well wishers. You are in my prayers.
You are in my prayers. Your refusal to give in mentally is outstanding. Best Regards…
You got the right attitude Wes. Praying even harder for you now here in Penns Woods. Soon as I can get on the water I will catch and release one for you.
Just now saw this thread. You have to know that you are in my prayers Wes. Stay strong my friend.
Wes, Am very sorry about that diagnosis. We’ll hang in there with you on FAOL.
My mother had one type of cancer 29 years ago and a different, unrelated type 5 years ago. At 85, she has no signs of cancer today, so it definitely can be beat!
No question, no doubt your positive attitude will beat this,
you are certainly in my thoughts for your inspiration and strength as well…