
More and more of today’s young people do not know that Bill is a shortened name for William.

Went to get a new cell phone today and they acted like I was a convicted fellon because I was trying to access my own account by telling them my name was Bill(when the name on the account was William). I mean the two youngsters behind the counter admitted they didn’t know that Bill was a shortened name people use for William!!

I have run across this problem over the past few months more than once.

Being another William I have been called Bill, Billy, Will, Willy Billiam, etc. What happened to the imagination of our youth?!

In France you would be GUILLAUME. Yes I was BILLY to all of my elders for years. My spanish friends taught their children to call me MISTER BILL now that I’m the elder. Guillaume

haha! I always knew Bill was short for William. geez… I bet those kids knew the short name for Richard tho. lol. I knew a delivery guy that sold frito lay chips named Mr.Bill.

Jack is a nickname for John. My given name is Jack and I often have to correct people that insist on calling me John.
There is an old sailing song about the sailor that has spent all his pay in the pub. “Get up Jack, John sit down!”.