Betty, Betty, Betty

I’m not one to tell HRH Betty what she needs to do, but if you want to spend a week in some of America’s most beautiful country you might want to consider a week in late September at Lowell Idaho. The annual Idaho Fish-In is home to 3 of our most pleasant places to spend a week. The Clearwater River, The Lochsa River & the Selway River are 3 of the best magnets for fly fishing junkies during our Fall years. Native Westslope Cutthroat trout, Steelhead, Campfires with friends, and early morning wake up calls while watching the morning clouds struggling through the pines trying to reach the sky are just a few of the attractants of the Three Rivers Resort. Like REE has said many times before, “Happiness is a pair of waders that don’t have a chance to dry out.”
I promise you will like it.

Wouldn’t that be such a treat?!?

What Joe said!! I’ll be there Tuesday with my brother and sister in law!

VEE and I are getting therte the 16th to make sure there’s still water in those rivers and a few fish are located in obvious places.


PS. Betty, you can’t get one of the nifty Idaho Fish In hat pins unless your there. You know you can’t live without one of the pins.