Hi everyone,
I’m new to the site and have been thinking about learning to make bamboo rods. I’ve been considering learning by book (seems like the Cattanach and Maurer books are generally most recommended for newbies), by taking a class from one of a couple of builders in my area, or by buying an older bamboo rod and refinishing that for a start.
I built my first rod on graphite blanks and had a great time on that project so I’m thinking there’s a very good chance I’ll like building, or should I say making, a rod from the culm on up. I almost feel addicted, already.
I’ve found a couple of local builders who do classes for ~ $600 - $800 (to make the blank) and for me to do it on my own, I’d probably spend about that much putting together the basic tools for the project.
As for refinishing, I recently found two boo rods - both 3 piece, 1 tip Horrocks-Ibbotson rods for $70 or $120 (I think they are the Governor and Cascade models), but my understanding is that most H&I rods were not all that great, so if that’s the case, I don’t want to spend too much on one of these rods when that money may be better spent on a class or tools.
I’ve already found some great information by reading other topics in this forum - i.e. which tools I would truly NEED vs. those that are NICE to have, which books people like, etc.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions you might have!
~~ Dave