"Beginner's Only Fly Swap" , It Is Almost That Time Again!

“Beginner’s Only Fly Swap” , It Is Almost That Time Again!

October 1st (it is on a Friday this year) I will officially start accepting placement in the 2010-2011 "Beginner’s Only Fly Swap! There will be 5 swap over a 6 month period, from November through April.

Only ten positions in the “Beginner’s Only Fly Swap” (as Swapmeister I will not occupy a position, but I might dress a pattern for all to use as a model at a future time).

I supply the mailing envelopes, box for shipment of fly patterns, toe-tags to be attach to the spear of the hook on each fly.

All that each member needs to do is dress 12 hooks with their chosen fly pattern, attach the foot tag with their name on it, and pop the flies into the plastic bag, and insert inside the cardboard box I supply, and then insert the box and the return address envelope (with stamp postage attached, No Postage Meter Strips!) inside the mailing enveloped address to me.

Patterns Name and Material List will be email to me as soon as possible. I will be notified by email when the fly pattern for the swap has been determined. I will be notified by email when the monthly fly swap flies are mailed. I will be notified if there is a problem, does not matter what the problem is, I will be notified.

November: Wet Fly (Soft Hackle)
December: I don’t do December Swaps!
January: Nymph
February: Dry Fly
March: Streamer
April: Terrestrial

No applications accepted before the October 1st starting date for applications.
I in return will examine each fly submitted for each swap, and be looking for pattern balance, and also uniformity of all 12 dressed hooks. I will print a letter for each fly swap, listing the fly pattern each member chose, a picture of the fly that the member dressed, and the material list for that fly pattern. This Monthly News Letter will be sent as a attachment to each member of the fly swap. If I have time I will also post the same newsletter on the Fly Swap Board of FAOL!

The two extra flies are for emergencies, if a member fails to receive their assortment of fly pattern back at the end of each of the five swaps. All extra fly patterns from the 5 swaps will be divided among all the members of the swap at the end of the 5th swap.

Swapmeister Parnelli

Steven a couple of ???

What is the criteria for beginner

What happens if you get more than 10 aps and how do you actually reply…

Sorry for the questions just something that sounds very intersting to me

Stage 1: Many of the Swapmeister on FAOL’s Swap Board where orignally members of my previous "Beginner’s Only Fly Swaps.

October 1st is when I will first taking applications. First ten applicant to have their email posting received on my email site parnelli@comcast.net, (I will ask for confirmation by return email) will get the limited seating for the 5 monthly fly swaps. I years past, I had so many apply to be in the “Beginner’s Only Fly Swaps” I was swapmeistering 4 groups through 6 monthly fly swaps, with 12 to 14 members in each group. But that was then this is now. Even 10 members, in only one group, doing 5 monthly fly swaps is a lot of work and effort on my part.

Last yearQuivra Kid, did good in the “Beginner’s Only Fly Swap”, I noticed improvement in his skills as he went through the various swaps. After completing the final swap of Beginner’s Only Fly Swap, Quivra Kid, chose to become another of the Swapmeister on FAOL’s Fly Swap Board. As swapmeister of these swaps, I am not looking for excellent tied flies, I am looking at proportions, and uniformity of the 12 flies submitted that are fishable. I am fair, I am helpful, I am always there to assist the members. ~Swapmeister Parnelli

I am fair, but I am not easy! I will help any member who has a problem, I will answer all questions, I will push the members to work outside the box that they are in for patterns that they are comfortable with, so by the time the swaps are over and done with, they will be able to dress any fly pattern that they find interesting. At the end of the Beginner’s Only Fly Swap they will never again be called a Beginner!

I will save the other emails asking to join, if there comes a time that some member, for whatever reason has to leave the the swap, and I contact those who missed the joining, and offer them a seat as a replacement to complete this years 5 monthly swaps. ~Swapmeister Parnelli