Bear attack in Yellowstone

On our own Deb Freele … Mato Kuwapi!!!

Saw Deb on the morning news, from a hospital in Cody, Wyoming … recovering from a grizzly bear attack. The attack left one man dead and Deb seriously injured.

Bless her heart … she’s upbeat!

News report.

OMG. That’s near where we saw a grizzly last year and we were very hesitant about fishing, but we armed ourselves with spray and continued.

Interesting story and link to '08 attack. Freaky.

Hey Deb,
I’m praying for a full and speedy recovery for you!


Oh my goodness! Prayers to you, Deb.

She must have steel nerves to be able to play dead while the bear is biting her arm !!!


I also saw the report on the news and thought it looked like Deb, but just caught the tail end and wasn’t sure it was our girl. So sorry to hear this happened, but so glad you are recovering. Our best to you and Bill. Hope to see you again at Gates Lodge, my favorite hang out in Michigan.