In a string below ‘the rod tosser’ gave this web site for interesting bead flies -
He was certainly right, I was very impressed. So far my attempts using beads have been rather small flies
as can be seen on my website. I was so impressed, I tied up a few wet flies and here is the one I liked the most.
the recipe is quite simple;
Hook: Size 10 PartridgeYK12ST Sedge/Caddis X Long (I like these hooks for Seatrout or small Salmon flies).
Hackle: Conranch Black hen.
Body: Mill Hill Seed Bead, #02059 Crayon Yellow.
Tail: Fibres as hackle.
They are listed as they are tied in, but the hackle is not wound untill the end.
If this fly was to be used, I would probably coat the beads a couple of times with Sally Hansen.
I have tied a few smaller versions in different colours, I will give them a page on the web-site.
Not really my own ideas but I’m only too pleased to copy. By the way, seatrout means sea run browny.