Beach Ball?

Saw this fly in the May/June issue of Northwest Fly Fishing. This just really caught my eye - anyone know how to tie it? Like step by step instructions? The fly is by Ken Hanley if that helps. Any takers? I’d love to have it as a Fly of the Week.:roll:

I looked it up…

Interesting but not the same thing - still would like a step-by-step instructions with photos of course.

You all might be interested… that if you want to see what LF references…you can go the magazine website and there you can sign up for one free sample of their magazines…hard copy or digital…I just signed up for a DIGITAL copy and it is the issue LF mentioned…downloaded it…and I went to Hanley’s article and there is a picture and recipe…

not to contradict you, but i think that the above link is the exact same as the one in the magazine, the sili legs are just not as clear. take a closer look.