In the past week, there have been significant happenings regarding the governance of the aquaculture industry and the need to better protect wild salmon from salmon farming impacts.
A decision by the BC Supreme Court that the province did not have the right to manage aquaculture, and had 12 months to oversee the transfer jurisdiction back to the Federal government, will have repercussions for east coast salmon aquaculture operations. This judgement that determined that the BC provincial government does not have the authority to regulate fish farming or sign MOUs will set a precedent that will cascade across the country.
To read more on this judgement, go to:
To download the full legal decision, go to:
A long-awaited report by the Pacific Salmon Forum was issued on Feb. 6. It criticized governance of the salmon resource, and made detailed recommendations, including closed containment, for salmon farming. The 95-page report can be downloaded at:
On Feb. 5, for the first time, Canadian First Nations launched a class action lawsuit over the impacts of salmon farming on wild salmon migrating through the Broughton Archipelago in BC. Read more and see map at:
ASF’s aquaculture policy calls for a moratorium on the use of transgenic salmonids in the aquaculture industry until a full evaluation of their potential impacts is conducted and appropriate safeguards developed. However yesterday Aqua Bounty in Prince Edward Island on Canada’s east coast says it is close to getting U.S. FDA approval for its genetically-modified salmon.
For an overview, facts, links to our policy, and scientific reports on ASF’s concerns regarding the interactions of wild and farmed salmon, go to our Aquaculture Issues page