This one is another show rod for the Expo I just finished (haven’t slept in 35 hrs now:shock:)
Blank is a Batson 8’ 5wt 2pc blank. Reel seat is a Amtack “braided” style with green woven insert, I also did some wrapping over the rear hood with some trim as well. Main wraps are Classic twist green & Black with silver trim, and SF guides with a RHW grip round it out. I also used a different CP on the wraps on this one which I have never used before (Color Guard Color Preserver) and I have to say I LOVE this CP. It’s vastly better than the Flex Coat I have been using for the past 6 yrs. The Color Guard CP goes on smooth, no flakes of dried CP or bubbles to wipe off, dries clear and fast and locks the color in with one heavy coat. Great stuff!
Did you use the same epoxy(?) on the reel seat hood that you used on your guide wraps? I’m asking, because I’m wondering how it will hold up with all the handling the hood is going to endure, compared to the guide wraps? On the other hand, the guide wraps probably get beat up pretty good by the fly line? I’m probably over-thinking something that really is of no consequence anyway! I like this rod! You managed to sneak in a little bling, without it being too “loud”. Nice!
Yep I used the same epoxy finish that I use on the wraps for the hood. I’ve actually coated the seat inserts in the same finish before and it even holds of on seats really well so durability won;t be an issue.