As you all know John Eaton, aka bassman, passed away this last weekend. John was an enthusiastic swapper, and I don’t think that there was a swap that I can remember that he passed up.
So this will be a swap in his memory. There is no limit on tyers, and no theme involved. Pick a pattern, tie 1 good fly and send it to me. I will collect them, repackage them in a box, and forward the swap to his family with the FAOL swap communities condolences. You will need no return postage or packaging. Just have your entries to me before March 1. PM me for shipping info if I don’t get it to you.
Sign up on this thread so I know what is coming and how big of a fly box to pick up. Thanks.
ol’ blue - crappie candy - RECEIVED
JohnR - clouser minnow - RECEIVED
Kaboom1 - STP foam frog - RECEIVED
scubatim - red/white clouser - RECEIVED
nyfisherman - The SMP - RECEIVED
tntom - woolly bugger - RECEIVED
shorthaul - clouser - RECEIVED
modocdan - zugbug - RECEIVED
sirrom - the word
Ron Eagle Elk - jungle blue - RECEIVED
bdesavage - 32 para trico = RECEIVED
vulture6 - RECEIVED
Danny Gober - catskill - RECEIVED
ibrb - royal wulff - RECEIVED
cane_ru - flamethrower salmon - RECEIVED
sagefisher - halloween bugger - RECEIVED
felsole - universal nymph - RECEIVED
hugefish 80 - RECEIVED
hap - alaska maryanne
bobbymojo - flying ant - RECEIVED
harleybob87 - polar shrimp - RECEIVED
tigfly - pink clouser - RECEIVED
mnklagoon - angelic streamer - RECEIVED
troutgeek - yellow/orange stimulator - RECEIVED
jdubach - Royal Sheep Creek Special - RECEIVED
grubb - grey hackle peacock - RECEIVED
biot midge - winter’s hope - RECEIVED
wayneb - patuxent special woolly bugger - RECEIVED
JohnScott - harrop’s henry’s fork caddis - RECEIVED
mrblur - gurgler - RECEIVED
rangerman - stimulator - RECEIVED
steelieslayer - march brown
Betty Hiner - hummingbird - RECEIVED
eight thumbs - Emerald Allure Bugger - RECEIVED
Rock thief - dog hair soft hackle - RECEIVED
Cholcomb - RECEIVED
Trouthunter 77 - Ouananiche Sunset - RECEIVED
White43 - gillbuster - RECEIVED
Antron Midge - RECEIVED
G-man - wiggle tail nymph
maodiver - amy’s ant - RECEIVED
Gigmaster - black nosed dace - RECEIVED
Rick Z - red and yellow boa leech - RECEIVED
Extremely Low Budget FF - thread only nymph - RECEIVED
tyronefly - vinyl ribbed spider - RECEIVED
10ae1203 - Loop wing emerger/cripple sz. 16 - RECEIVED
Bassman was in almost every swap i did on this forum. I looked up to him even though i never met him. He will be missed. I don’t know what to tie yet i will have to think about this one ,but i will post when i decide. My prayers and condolences go out to his family and friends and everyone here at FAOL. Tight lines Bassman.
I would be honored to get in this swap in Memory Of John ( Bassman ) Eaton. Never met him but like most of you I was in many swaps with him, and considered him a friend.
I just started tying up some red over white Clousers for his Bass Swap so I will get one in the mail in the next couple of days.
I am so very sorry to hear of John’s passing. Although we never met, I feel that I have lost a friend. I will be sending something. It will be on it’s way very shortly. My condolences go out to his family and many, many friends.
John was a True Friend, Though I never met Him,
I feel like a part of me is missing.
I Will tie a 32 Para Trico.
Prayer’s will be going out for his Family, And His FAOL Family.