Hello, I am getting ready for a weekend of Large Reservoir fishing and would love some patterns for Bass flies, crappie, sunfish, or perch for fresh water, here in Virginia, I know there are peobally patterns on here somewhere but I seem to be to simple to find them, some help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
FAOL is the king and the fly archives are full of warmwater patterns, if you browse through the [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/archive.html:421e6]Fly Of The Week[/url:421e6] archives you will find dozens. Another good site is [url=http://www.warmwaterflytyer.com/welcome.asp:421e6]Warmwater Fly Tyer[/url:421e6].
Here are some of my favorite patterns:
Bass-green dalberg diver, mouse pattern
http://www.bassbugcentral.com/Dahlbergweb.jpg http://www.fishingfliesonline.com/Image … useRat.jpg
crappie- size 8 hook with yellow marabou on bottom, chartruse marabou above that, and brown marabou above that, tie it like a clouser with the hourglass eyes. mohair leach
sunfish/perch- same as crappie, but make a popper with rond foam, and sili leggs out of the sides.
i hope that will help
Look in the panfish archives (about part 305) for ricks favorite Crappie flies or 'ricks Favorite bluegill flies.
Also look for the boa yarn flies under the fly of the week archives.
For spring fishing on resevoirs;
I have had some good luck with 3 inch modified wooly buggers.
Tye a regular fly, all white, and then trim off the top and bottom hackles, gives the fly a wierd look, and action. Keep the tail as long as the body, and whispy.
The perch,and bass seem to like it alot arround here.
take care,