Today i was going into the water to retreive a fly hooked on a log,when i felt somthing sharp spike my foot.I took a look at it at first and there was nothing,a sacond later i found my heel bleading.Truned out to be a glass cut that was as clean as a surgons scalpul.


How about a tourniquet at the groin…

Just kidding…

A good point in this day and age when many of us are on aspirin …and if you aren’t you probably should be.

Apply pressure.

While we were fishing my buddy borrowed my knife. :shock:
Knives are supposed to be sharp. I want to be able to shave with mine (whats the point of having a dull knife).
Lo and behold "buddy " lays his finger open. :frowning:
Well dont you know he starts to complain about the amount of blood thats comming out . I asked if he came to complain or fish? He asks about stiches? “We didnt come here to go to the doctors” I retort. He lasts a few more minutes and starts to complain again (no dedication to the sport at all).
I pulled the celophane wrapper off my cigarette pack and had him wrap it around the cut(slower bleeding causes faster coagulation). The bleeding stopped right quickly after that . Then he wanted to know what the next move was :? . I had to point out the obvious and tell him “keep fishing”. Some fellows are’nt too quick. Bottom line is that if you can slow the bleeding enough it’ll stop by its self(unless you have a real problem). A little baggie will work, so will a comercial leader package.Anything nonporous( it wont be sterile of course).Just keep pressure on it for a while,if it dont quit shortly head out.
Of course you can just not let anyone borrow your knife .Carry a little roll of that white sugical tape in your vest. It doesnt take up much room and has many uses.

Perch,I guess “Buddy” learned not to cut himself fishing again, did he.At least not with you.

Hey guys,

Just one word superglue. I?m not kidding either. It is what it was invented for, glue instead of stitches. I wouldn?t glue anything over 3 inches though.

Beware it burns.

Yup super glue is the fix. Emergency rooms use it all the time. Close the wound, apply the glue and try not to glue yourself to yourself…

Good idea.

Pick up a bottle of New-Skin liquid bandage at the drugstore or supermarket. I have one in my golf bag and one in my fishing bag, cheap, small and it works.


No well prepared flyfisher would head out out without a few McDonald’s napkins and duct tape. :lol:

A word of warning for those with latex allergies. The liquid bandage products do contain the stuff.
My wife is allergic to it and had a reaction.


Ya, i have used the liquid bandage.It works well, but only on small cuts.