
Who knows the real story about bananas on a boat? I have heard countless variations and even told different variations, but I always get asked about bananas. Some folks go “bananas” over the though of the fruit on board, others could care less. By the way, I have had some of my best days on the river with bananas on board…

So, where did this rumor/fear/superstition come from??? … _myth.html … fishermen/

From these sources, there appear to be many reasons and origins for this superstition…including rotting fruit expelling methane gas and spoiling other food, bananas hosting poisonous spiders and other vermin, and the additional time and space required for the fruit.

And “bananas” has now been broadened to include anything with banana scent or flavor. :shock:

Good Lord,
Hasnt breakup happened yet?
Banana’s of all things.
Your starting to crack, get out of the house ,fast. :lol:

Not sure what the real story is on the bananas brought onboard but I do know that a lot of the charter captains in North and South Carolina refuse to let their clients come onboard if they have one. They claim its bad luck-- puts the fish down, causes equipment problems. Since I never liked bananas, I never had a problem with them.


I LUUUUUVVVVVV!!! Banana Bread! :smiley:

Bananas on board being bad luck? That’s right up there with women on board being bad luck - the best sailing trips I’ve been on have had plenty of both! Didn’t seem to affect the fishing any, either.

I think I’m going to tie a banana-colored streamer when I get home tonight - right after a big piece of banana cream pie…I’ll let you know if it’s “appeeling” to the fish.

Alright you nay sayers, lets see you put your money where your mouth errrrrr keyboard is.

Who wants to take this guy fishin’??

Can’t help but laugh at those who swear that Bananas turn the fish off. Nothing could be further from the truth and it’s funny just how silly some folks get. I can tell you that if you go snorkeling or diving in the salt and bring some bananas you will see that fish LOVE them. I’ll dig through my photos so I can post some of us feeding bananas to the famed GT’s (Giant Trevalle) in the 60 - 100lb range while snorkeling in the South China Sea. I have even cut banana up and put in on hooks and caught fish to prove this is pure bunk.

Fight a fish for a long time and that banana will be a good friend as eating them helps to prevent muscle cramps : )

I wish I had known about this two weeks ago. I was testing out a new pram. Things were going fine when I decided to eat the banana that I had brought along. I shifted from the middle bench to a more comfortable seat on the rear bench, banana in hand. Apparently, as the next thing I knew I was swimming to the surface, the seat broke from its mooring and I catapalted over the side and into the 47 degree water. I initially felt this incident was an unfortunate accident, but a banana was involved! It was the precipitating factor! I was lucky. An inventory of gear revealed that only the banana was lost. Good riddance. There will be no more bananas in boats for me.

You know the saying “Good Things Come To Those Who Wait”???
Well they do because I had to wait the entire winter for this Post to show up!
Doug :smiley:

I like bananas in my oatmeal. :smiley: What do you think of that Dog???