Bamboo blanks

Where would an entry level guy go to 1: find some bamboo blanks to work with or 2: order the bamboo in the raw form.
I know these are very open ended questions but any slight direction would help right now.
I initially started to try to work bamboo buy buying cheap old rods of auction sites and reworking them, I now need to take the next step.

Hey Tim, Second attempt at answering your questions. I’m sure other boo fans will chime in shortly. The place I’ve heard a lot about is Golden Witch ( ). They have everything you need to build a fine reed rod from a blank or raw materials, plus tools and findings. Not sure how they stack up price wise to others.

By the way, I grew up in Pembina County, north of Grand Forks.


Thanks I will check out that site!
Pembina County? I proudly hail from TATER TOWN USA, Hoople ND, grew allot of potatoes in Pembina and walsh county growing up!

You might also try Bellinger. They sell bamboo in about 5 different stages between culms and rods-- strips, blanks in the string, finished blanks, etc… Pricy though.

Tim, don’t forget about the Thursday evening Bamboo chat here on FAOL. Lots of boo fishers, refinishers and several fine rod makers show up there. A great way to get info.

If you know your way around Pembina County maybe you know the town of Bowesmont, about 9 miles north of Drayton. From what I hear the last big flood took what was left of the town. Anyhow, that’s my home town. Dad used to manage the Occident Grain Elevator there.


Give Chet a call at Bellinger: (866)-371-6151 or (541)-926-8266 and order some blanks/strips and I would be happy to make them for you. And feel free to PM me if you have further questions.
(P.S. If you call tomorrow, Chet won’t be in, so just leave a message)

Joe Martin

Sheeesh :roll: Give that Joe guy a shot and now hes a wealth of info :lol:

Mark Fitch has blanks on ebay occasionally. Here are his current listings. I’m sure you could contact him as well.


Then there’s the Mike Brooks blanks, two tip two piece, ferruled for (not a quote) $350, two tip three piece, ferruled for (not a quote) $450. Mike makes a fine cane rod.

