Bali Duck Yanosh Feathers

Anyone got a source for Yanosh Feathers, they are from the Bali Duck, and are used for tying the Jess Wood Streamer Pattern.

I have found duck farmers who have Bali ducks, but they are all domestic (white feathered)


Try some of the Duck Hunter Forums , some of those guys may be able to help you. :smiley:

I believe the Bali is a domesticated duck.

You’ll have better luck finding one with a farmer rather than a hunter…

It’s generally easier to shoot farm ducks. They don’t fly away. Just have to keep an eye out for the farmer. They tend frown on people gunning down their livestock.

After reading up on the Jess Woods streamer patterns I found that tyers found the feathers from a drake pintail to be acceptable as a substitute. Unfortunately waterfowl hunting is now closed in most places thus it might be difficult to find pintail.

Good luck in your search.


Angler’s Workshop carries a lot of odd feathers, but I don’t recall them having this one. You might check. Also, you can buy virtually any exotic duck from breeders in the US. Just google it and start digging. Of course, if you live in a third-floor walkup, this could be a little messy…

The last time I saw these feathers in a catalog it was in Herters!


I know you can get some at the Cabela’s in Hamburg, Pa.

You’ll have to break into the glass case by the checkouts and take them off mounted birds, but they definitely have Bali Ducks there.


This thread is almost five years old now. Just for more info, the feathers used in the Jesse Wood, Galloping Ghost, and Bali Duck Streamer are Baikal Teal Scapular feathers. There really is no substitute other than marrying long feather slips of the right color to get the same effect. The feathers have a set curve on the quill that makes them really tough to work with for streamer wings. I have some, and keep them in books to make them as flat as possible. Here’s what they look like.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for sharing the pictures…they are megacool!

