I need some help on getting information on an up coming salt water trip. I am planning on a trip to the Bahamas or Belize in February or March of 2011. I have never fished either of these destinations. What I am looking for is where is the best destination and where to stay.I would like to find somewhere that is nice and is very reasonable. Again,I am in the planning stages so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
The late JC and I were very partial to the Bahamas, especially South Andros. The trick is the wind, it blows in both places, however there are all these rivers and bays where you can get out of the wind - or run to the other side of the island. You can’t do that in Belize that I’m aware of. So if you have say a week to fish and the wind blows you may not get very many fishing days in Belize. We were stuck on the beach for a day once on S. Andros and it was really, really blowing. As far as nice pretty much everything is, reasonable is another thing. You might try http://www.deneki.com/androssouth/ the last I knew the prices ran about 3 grand Sat. to Sat. all inclusive. I don’t have any horse in this race and with the economy you might be able to do better. It’s not the top place by any means but my impression (and I did have dinner there) was that it was clean the guides were first class and you had a private room and bath on the beach…you could fish right there if you wanted to.
We also did stay at the top place and it ran almost that high per night if you had a private villa with marble floors and canopy bed (they switched our reservation from a plain room to a villa as a favor - pretty neat stuff.) You might read the series on the Bahamas we did a couple years ago here: http://www.flyanglersonline.com/articles/ldy/ldy031504.php The Bonefish Bay Club in that article is now Andros South and the article itself was written in 2004 so prices are probably higher but it will give you a starting point.
One more thing, the late Al Campbell was a quest of the Belize Tourism folks and had a terrific tour of the region. It was his first bonefish trip as well as his first time fishing the salt. You can find his reports here: http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/worldwide/belize/part4.php
Read the whole series, it might help keep you sane until you actually go!
Best of all take it all with a grain of salt and go with your gut. Your best instincts won’t go wrong.
SowScud: Not nearly the expert LadyFisher is, not even in the same ballpark, but did just return from Belize. Wow!!! Stayed at the same resort that JC and she did, El Pescador, when they made that trip. All I can say about El Pescador is that it is a truly awesome fishing destination. Totally geared to fishing and the fisherman’s experience. It is not a beach resort, altought it is on the beach, if you get my drift. It is an island of privilege for the fisherman.
There is more in Belize than just fishing; I have kinda sorta learned my limits on straight days fishings. I fished two, toured one, fished one, toured one and fished one. I am a desk jockey in an A/C’d office, so standing on the deck of a boat, in the wind and sun casting for 8 hours takes it out of one. I booked through Frontiers, Denise Schreiber, dschreiber@frontierstravel.com she was outstanding to work with.
Wind, LandFisher is correct, Da wind man, she gwine to blow! :eek: Ya better get your double haul down pat.
Not matter what ya chose, ya cannot miss!!!