
Had some time on my hands and a new Silver badger Brahma hackle form the Valley Forge show just sitting there calling me. :slight_smile:

So…for you Classic Low Water Steelhead Fans out there…Now, if only I could get back to the Northwest to fish it!!

Nice and sweet. That is great pattern, I got some tied nearly like that also and it catches trouts though.:slight_smile:

Beautiful! Well done!

Flyfish Dog…I’ve found a number of steelhead patterns to do extremely well on trout when downsized. Many of the old classics.

I agree! I have been tying smallish tubes classic streamers for trout and steelies with even better result.

A very tasty fly, that Brahma hackle would make a nice Matuka wing.

Classy!! If you want to send some to the NW here I’ll sure to give them a proper testing for you :slight_smile:

Thanks Mr. NJTB. This is the last one from last year, nice little “hott” native. They’ll be back soon and I’ll get that pic for you! :slight_smile:

Luckie88…nice fish! They should be there soon :slight_smile:

Thankyou, just received them today when I got back from my trip! Wonderful ties can’t wait to give them a good swing! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: