Bad news from my doctor. I need some advice

My doctor is putting me on Family Medical Leave Act for “lifetime with exacerbations” on account of my Hyperthyroidism leading to radioactive iodine ablation of the thyroid, Diabetes and Stenosis/Degenerative Disc Disease of the Lumbar spine. I am being put under the “Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatments” part of the FMLA.

Doc is telling them I can take work only intermittently or on a less than full schedule for the rest of my life. Not presently incapacitated but may have episodes requiring no work for each condition can occur 1x week for 8 hour duration. I have been told that with the Department of Defense and Defense Logistics Agency this will probably trigger an 80% disability retirement for me. 80% of my current annual salary is not a lot.

I really am new to this disability retirement stuff and the FMLA. I don’t understand a lot of it and any help you all can give me would be most appreciated. It really, really is depressing me knowing that the time is coming when I will no longer be able to take care of our troops, to serve our nation.

I’m considering a lot of the same things you’re thinking about now. May I suggest getting in touch with a SSI Disability lawyer. They may or may not be able to help. Please my friend, don’t let pride get in the way of your comfortable retirement. You and I have both served our country, and now it’s time for our country to serve us. Besides, when we started our careers, they made promises they should keep.

If you are a veteran, get in touch with the VA. I was forced to retire this year for medical reasons & I went to the VA & got medical benefits. I found that some of my medical problems were service related & they will take care of them. There is a possibility of disability benefits also.

Good luck &
Don’t let the system get you down

A lot of us know that you look on what you do as more than just a job but It’s time to let someone younger serve. If they bring your dedication to the task along with a healthy body the troops will be served. For yourself, take a little time to recover as much as you can from the effort of tryinig to continue working with a damaged body while looking around you for what you can do to supplement your income or help returning soldiers and the families of those still overseas. Keep in mind your physical limitations but it sounds like you will be able to be active most days. If it was me I’d spend a lot of time fishing and hunting at first. A good buddy will understand if you have to cancel out once in a while. You will soon have an idea of how much activity you can handle and if you can get by with scheduled rest days or need more flexability. I suppose you could also waste some energy rooting for the steelers.

Best of luck to you and as we say around here “take care”. I’m a veteran and my son is too. He was just assigned to a DOD civilian position at Ft Rucker after two tours in Iraq and almost five years overseas. He is a thousand miles away but a lot closer than he was. There are others to care for the troops. It is time for you to “take care” of yourself. You may wish to contact the Degenerative Disc Disease support group at


I cannot offer advice or experience on the disability issue. However there are still opportunities for the unemployed, retired, or disabled to serve the troops and nation. Many persons that fit into those categories have continued to serve in a volunteer capacity with the USO or other organizations the provide various types of support to uniformed personnel and their families. One of our local fly clubs teaches fly tying to servicemen at the local naval hospital. Another local organization helps military families with auto repairs, home repairs, etc. There may be an opportunity in your area.

Accepting disability was the hardest thing in my life to realize.I have found that i am more busy now then when i was able to work.Just a little slower though.That is ok.At the end of the day,mission accomplished.You have served Sir!Stay busy as much as you can.
Semper Fi

Thanks folks I really appreciate those who took the time to respond and show their support. Here is what I found out about FMLA in regards to my job. FMLA cannot force me to retire nor can it be used to force me to retire. What is does in this instance is guarantee me 480 hours annually of leave for the illnesses/diseases/infirmities identified by my doctor. That is I can take 480 hours of leave, paid or unpaid, for any or all of my conditions without fear of disciplinary action by my employer. My employer does have the option to refuse my request but according to the personnel manager that is unlikely to happen as they would have to prove my claim does not meet the standards especially given the extensive proof that I have accumulated. This will protect me thorough the time needed for any medical procedures and recovery from them.

There is some protection from a forced retirement as well. So long as I can meet the physical requirements of my duties there is nothing that can be done to me. My superiors have told me flat out to use my skills to apply for alternate duties. I was told that because of my service record they don’t want to loose me. Should it come down to my being disabled which is only a matter of time every effort will be made to accommodate me with duties I can perform. However, should that fail I will be forced into disability retirement probably at 80% or greater. I was told flat out that command is very impressed with my military and civilian service record especially my dedication to the troops.

Come what may I am going to remain optimistic about it. At least now I have a much clearer picture of what I face. There is comfort in the knowledge that command is for me, not against me, at this point in time.

WOW Eric I know where you are coming from… I had to retire from the Armed Forces due to numerous injuries and here it is 4 years later and I am still trying to figure the system out and what it means to me and for me, I had a job coach come in last week and we may finally be on the track to a job and new Career…

I only get 75% of my wages… and that is if I am totally disabled, not there yet, and what that means is I live on a heck of a lot less at this time, so an alternate job is needed, but one that does not hurt so darn much.

My point in this is, is there an opportunity for you to cross post to a job that does not tax you, physically… that you can use your accumulated knowledge without using your back and body.

Brother you know that with out a doubt that I am praying for you and hoping that all works out for the best for you and Amy, you know that if it means you have to stop working then so be it . I know it would not be the best solution but your job is what you do not who you are, so you being you would find new doors opening , I just know it…


Eric, all of the above advice sounds very good, all I can add are my prayers and say the best of luck to you.

You know you are in my prayers, & you also have that Gift to get knocked down & come back fighting…It’s called Faith. You’ll do alright & don’t forget how to pick up a phone anytime, day or night.
God Bless,