Back From The Fish In

Got back from Michigan about 2:30 am. Had a GREAT week. Got to meet some wonderful people. Here is one you might recognize…

Will have more reports, pictures and a few stories as people return form Grayling.


Hey Brad,
THAT image alone would have been enough reason to have been there. Unfortunately, as with some “well laid plans of mice and men”, mine had to change. I have a few unfinished projects that would have caused my conscience unrest had I been fishin instead of attending to them. I’m sure y’all had a great time and aside from my mind at work, I was with you there in spirit.
I’m anxious to see the pictures of the happenings including the closing “feast”.

PS: Next year for sure

Hey!! It’s father time!!!

Forget the Uncle Sam outfit, cuz the bikini hatch was pretty good this year. here’s a teaser…

Joe, have you ever heard of telephoto lenses:rolleyes:

What part of “teaser” don’t you understand? That was shot at a fairly long distance with the telephoto at its max. Oh, did I mention this was a “teaser?”:rolleyes:


Welcome back everybody!

Joe - I eagerly await your postings, can’t wait to get home as my government PC filters out all picture from web site holding areas.

Hope everyone had fun. Wish I could have been there but I was off at Scout Camp with my son. Certainly an honorable alternative, but someday I’m going to this Fish-In! :stuck_out_tongue:

So was there a fish caught at this bakeoff ??? So far no mention or pics. :slight_smile: The hex hatch, was it on ??. Spikes, were the burgers still great??


I knew you were going to say that:)

I can see her just fine…she has a bread-maker tummy!
JC’s photo gave me the only chuckle for the day,but then it wasn’t raining and the rain suits my mood.

Fish? Hex? Darn! I knew there was something I was supposed to do besides cooking and eating. Here’s a peak at the Meet & Greet welcoming reception.

It was truly a fun time—the weather was great (the 4 days i was there)—the dinner was fantastic—it was great to put a face to the names. Very low key and relaxing—I didnt want to leave.

JC and Scubatim (aka:Troutslayer) demo some of the finer points of our art as Butterfly (Rainbowchaser’s master) approves.

Here is a picture of the Bread God in his element…

Did someone say something about the hex hatch? Rusty didn’t forget…


Hey great pictures and as I forgot to bring my camera I hope people will keep posting Michigan Fish In 2008 pictures here so I can snag them. OR if all of you would be so kind you can E-mail your Fish In Pictures to me at and the would be greatly appreciated.

I may be cute ( see picture above of Uncle Sam and I ) but I ain’t so bright. I mean really how can someone show up at a Mega Event such as this and not bring the camera.

All that being said I had a great week meeting the friendliest bunch of people, picked up some great tips, and actually caught some Trout, my first time ever on a fly.

I wont tell you about my last 1.5 hr evening fishing trip the night before I left as I am saving that story for an article I am writing about this GREAT FISH IN from a first timers point of view. Watch for it in the next few weeks hopefully on the weekly page at the Home site with the approval of JC and LF

Thanks everyone for a great time I will not forget any time soon. Hey is July of 09 coming soon.

Had a Great Time, Watch for a total Report in a week or 2… However here are a Couple of Pics to whet the appatite.

Came up with Heidi and the boys and we had a great time. Both of the boys were dying to be in the casting contest. And the next day, my oldest caught three brook trout all by himself on the North Branch off Dam 4 Road. Great memories! Was great seeing everyone too!

The 3rd picture on bills list of pictures is my daughter, nice picture!!! Had a great time, I will post more later!!!


So noone caught any fish?:smiley:
Looks like fun, maybe I’ll go to the PA fish in next year!

People caught fish we just don’t like to brag. Hey even I caught a few trout and a bunch of chubs and this was only me 2nd time fly fishing for trout.

Everybody caught fish but the catching seemed like it was secondary to the experience–Dam 4 on the north branch was loaded with brookies and cummin’s flat had a bunch of rainbows below Mio—i think Rst had 15 there on one outing—I had 6 on a fish from the lodge to spite road and moved a biggun in the “sucker hole”. I think everyone that went to Cummin’s flat could catch if they used dries, wets or streamers.

What was interesting to me was that i recognized guests at the lodge that i saw there 20 years ago. The river has a magnetism.