Just an update on the progress of our 2nd little one. Had the anatomy scan today, and all is progressing well. This one is a boy, which now means we’ll have one of each! We’re very pleased. Working on names, and we have a few that we’re considering, but nothing carved in stone just yet. Will go with Byers as a middle name (a bit of a family tradition), but that’s all that’s sure right now.
Congratulations! There is nothing sweeter than hearing everything is going well. My wife and I just had a doctors visit last week. I called my folks while the doc was listening to the heartbeat. It’s their first grandchild, they really thought it was special. Ours is due towards the beginning of July. When’s yours due? Gotta say, I’m pretty excited for ours. We don’t know what it is yet. We have the name all picked out if it’s a boy, a family name. If it’s a girl well, we’re still arguing about what the name should be, lol. It will have a close resemblance to part of the family name we have for the boy’s name. Keep us updated. I’m hoping I can talk my wife and the baby into coming to the Montana fish-in with me. I don’t think it’s going to happen unless I’m able to find some sort of camper to borrow though…she’s afraid of getting eaten by bears, and doesn’t want to tent it, so we’ll see…
Congratulations…Remember to support the March of Dimes… They helped make your joy possible… I’m a volunteer for our state MOD council & the site Supervisor for the largest walk in NJ. When I hear about a healthy baby, it reminds me why I do this…
Thanks everyone! Baby’s due date is Aug 22nd, so Mike and Jim, yes, will see you on Monday! Anytime from 5:30 to 6 is good for me Mike, so just let me know what works for you. I’m really looking forward to it; haven’t been out fishing in ages! Will bring some of my homemade cheese as well. See you then!