My wife, Nicki, and I fished the Ausable in Grayling this weekend. Kind of a warm up for our extended visit in early September for the river cleanup.
Tricos in the morning and BWO’s at sunset #26’s and #24’s, and Patriots during the day #14.
Nicki’s brown 11" on Friday.
My brookie on Saturday
Nice bonus on Saturday afternoon
Always have a good time there, but the fish were more selective than ever.
Tricos were a size 26 that they refused until we trimmed the wings down even further. A small aquarium dipnet held in the current on Sunday morning would yield dozens of tricos in ten seconds of seining.
Blue winged olives were a size 24 in the evenings that would start a feeding frenzy just as it got too dark to see your fly and making retying a new one next to impossible.
Also plenty of canoes especially on the South Branch, more so than the main branch. It doesn’t put down the fish, but it does interrupt the fishing while they pass by. Generally a better behaved crowd than usual.
If you have the time try attending the Fall River Cleanup, it is a great time and there is less garbage every year. You’ll meet great people, a free meal!and get a chance to wade new water while helping the river!