Ausable Fish-In

Do we have firm dates for the Ausable Fish-In this summer? I need to confirm my vacation dates so that I can make it up there. Thanks,

We are shooting for the week of July 9th. There is nothing going on at Gate’s Lodge and we may catch part of the Hex hatch.

OK Jack. I have asked for that week off. I really hope to get to meet you, Ohio Tuber, and some of the rest of the gang.



You moved it? We have res. for the week before. What happened? Gates said we could have the whole place. Please confirm. tks. jc

You have reservations for the week of the 4th of July? Lets go for it! I thought Rusty said he had something going on that week!? (Must be age!!) That would work even better for me. Jim Flaming and I have a trip booked with Capt. Tony on the 22nd and I would just stay 2 weeks as I did last year.

Jack - I too have down the week of July 2. I have already put in for that week off. ??

I thought our Cabela’s group agreed on the July 4 week??

My mistake!!Must be age!!

No problem Jack, just added another crease to my already caved in brain. See you there.

Jack, get on top of this please. Call Rusty and re-confirm the exact dates.

Are the dates locked in?
Just trying to arrange vacation time.

Will do Sir. I’ll call Rusty in the am. I’ll fire off an email right now but don’t trust that! I’m leaving for Warrenp’s in Tennessee on Tuesday and can keep after it down there.

I have talked to Rusty Gates and the week of July 2nd is good to go.

Jack, I was looking at the hatch chart and I saw that the first week of July is when the [u]Aluminus flotilla [/u] hatch < > is starting to peak. We have that problem down here in Tennessee, too. Locally, we have found that we can make them move by having a “designated banjo player”, complete with overalls and bare feet. I don’t own a pair of overalls or a banjo, but I could probably find some down here. (Finding used banjos and guitars in Nashville pawn shops is par for the course.) Since I want to fish some, do you think that we could hand-off the banjo to Ohio Tuber for part of the trip?


Seen on a bumper sticker in Nashville, “Paddle faster. I hear banjos”.

<For those too young, or with too much taste to have seen the movie “Deliverance”, please ignore this post. Thanks.>

Ausable during the week of 4th of july? Get used to this…

We will be there, I don’t expect the canoes to be much of a problem. Michigan is in a slump due to the automobile plants closing - AND - we could hit the Hex which is NIGHT fishing. Not many canoes around at midnight. :lol:

agreed…fish EARLY, fish LATE.

…for your “fish in” i hope the above won’t be the norm. However, Michigan was was arguably in the same slump last summer and this photo was taken first week in July on the South…

The canoe hatch will not be a problem for long…I am bringing my cannon. No self respecting pirate would leave home witout it! They don’t call me Kaboom for nothing :wink:

kid, sorry, the only realistic fishing is early and late. The rest of the day, take a nap. :smiley:

NAP?..Maybe you & old Jack, but I ain’t takin’ a nap!..NO SIR! :wink:
I’ll be takin EdD & some of the other Michigan Fish-In folks in to Spike’s Keg O’ Nails to eat burgers!..and maybe for some pool shooting. We can also do a “post aluminum hatch” cleanup an afternoon or so…it would sure make the evenings more enjoyable. I’ve just got to get Nighthawk & Grubb to get up there with me.

how about it Mike, one game, my pool cue against yours; winner goes home with both?