Au Sable river, Michigan

in from Rusty Gates,

Mason Tract drilling issue.

Savoy Energy, the people that own the mineral lease, have been playing
snake in the grass for over three years. NO WHERE TO BE SCENE!

They tried to intervene in the case, for purposes of an appeal,
stating the Government was not representing their monetary interests
in the case.

Honorable David M. Lawson of the U.S. District Court, Eastern District
of Michigan, hammered Savoy.

"During all this time, Savoy was not heard from, although the case
received considerable public attention, and the preliminary injunction
prevented Savoy from proceeding with its drilling project. Then, once
the smoke of battle cleared, Savoy emerged from the woods on September
4th, 2008 to file its motion to intervene, seeking to urge an
appellate court to walk through the battlefield, as the saying goes,
and shoot the wounded. "

A Government appeal is still pending in the 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals, Cincinnati. It is believed the Government has no intent to
pursue this appeal, which was filed to simply keep their options
open. We would certainly drop our cross-appeal, if the Government
does the same. An injunction would remain in place prohibiting any
drilling by Savoy.

Good news indeed!

Now this too,

Gov’t just threw in the towel on appeals case at 6th Circuit.

We’ve WON!!!

This thing is over!



This is a battle won. I have great respect for Rusty and all those who worked so long to make this happen. I am a member of Anglers and I support what they are doing.

That said, I am now going to say some things that are quite controversial and it will cause some to ask what side am I really on. Rest assured, I am on the side of the trout. But I am a practical person who realizes that winning a battle can sometimes hasten eventual defeat.

Read this with your tongue in your cheek. Think about it a while before you react. I spent my whole life generating compromise between design groups with different immediate goals but with the same ultimate goal. We must use our heads as well as our hearts.

Here it goes. You may hate me in the end.

Godspeed and good fishing,


For immediate release

December 17, 2008

Contact: Rusty Gates, Anglers of the Au Sable, 989-348-8462
Marvin Roberson, Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, 906-360-0288

US Forest Service Abandons Drilling Plan Near Mason Tract
World Class Trout Stream Protected

In a major victory for anglers, hikers and canoeists, the US Forest Service
has dropped its appeal of a Federal Court decision to protect the Mason Tract
and nearby Au Sable River from oil and gas drilling. The Au Sable River is one
of the world?s premier blue ribbon trout streams.

The agency action follows a decision issued by Michigan Eastern
District Federal Court Judge David M. Lawson in July. The decision came in
response to concerns raised by the Sierra Club, Anglers of the Au Sable and Tim
Mason about the Forest Service plan to allow Savoy Energy Company to
clearcut and drill on National Forest land adjacent to the Mason Tract and
within earshot of the river.

?Clearly some considered oil and gas drilling more important than the
solitude required by hunters, anglers and hikers in this spectacular area,? said
Marvin Roberson, Sierra Club Forest Ecologist. ?Given the importance of this
place to the people of the state of Michigan, we applaud this decision to
abandon the appeal.?

The Forest Service failed to adequately consider the environmental
impacts and alternatives to address concerns including noise and habitat
destruction in its plan. As a result the court enjoined the Forest Service from
engaging in any activities… Savoy Energy Company was denied a last minute
attempt to intervene in the case on appeal in front of the 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals. The decision by the Forest Service to drop its appeal leaves the lower
court decision and injunction in place and protects the Au Sable River from
destructive drilling.

“This portion of the Au Sable is the most pristine trout stream in the
lower peninsula” said Rusty Gates, President of the Anglers of the Au Sable.
“People come here from all over the world to enjoy the beauty and solitude
afforded by this river. We’re glad to see that it remains protected”

The Mason Tract was established in 1955 when Tim Mason?s
grandfather, George Mason, bequeathed a 1,500 acre parcel with eleven miles of
frontage on the South Branch of the Au Sable River to the State of Michigan.
George Mason?s gift was conditioned on maintaining the pristine condition of
the Tract. Today, the Mason Tract covers approximately 4,500 acres, but the oil
and gas rights under the Tract were at least in part owned by the federal
government and were leased by the Bureau of Land Management.

According to Tim Mason, who represented the living Mason heirs in this
suit, “this recent development will allow my Grandfathers vision to carry on
and provide people an opportunity to enjoy the quiet solitude he found so
therapeutic and relaxing”.

“This unique gift that he left to the people of Michigan and this country
has provided recreational hikers, skiers, canoeists and dedicated fishermen and
sportsmen an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in ways that are rare and hard to
find these days. On behalf of our Grandfather and the rest of the Mason family
we are grateful for the efforts of the Sierra Club, The Anglers of the Au Sable
and all of the volunteers that made this happen.”

No drilling is allowed on the Mason Tract itself however oil and gas
could potentially be retrieved through Forest Service lands abutting the Mason
Tract. Savoy Energy Company proposed to set up a drilling platform in an old
growth portion of the South Branch Area of the Huron Manistee National
Forest. The drilling platform would be near enough to impact the Mason Tract
and the only two track trail that leads to the Mason Chapel within the Tract.

The conservationists were represented by attorney Marianne Dugan of
Portand., Oregon, one of the most successful environmental attorneys in the

This too.