Atlantic Salmon Fly Hooks

Wanted to post a message regarding hooks for salmon flies. Ive recently started tying full dressed patterns and am confused on hook sizes. The hooks I am going to order are not the most expensive but will serve the purpose for getting started.

So my question is what are these size hooks comparible to I want something in or around a size 2-6. Are these comparible?

The Partridge PCS14/1B and 1G

The sizes they have listed are as follows:


Thanks for any info,

Here is a link to a PDF file that is printable from partridge that might just answer your question, then klink hook index, there is a printalbe pdf file here. It is also very good reference material for salmon hooks in general.
I hope this will help.

Fireman: I would recommend you use Partridge “M” single salmon hook in sizes 2 or 4 and larger.It is a longer straight shank on which to dress the body;also the wings are easier to fit to the “M” hook than the “Salar” you mentioned.Hope this helps…Frank

The Salar hooks are nice fishing hooks but a poor foundation for a fully dressed fly. If you must have an eyed hook, the Partridge CS10/2 in a #1 or 1.0 would be a reasonable size. The M that was mentioned could also be used in 1/0, 2/0 or even 3/0. The N hook in #1 or 1/0 is a bit lighter wire and attractive hook.

There are other makes of hooks that also could be used.

Happy Trails!

You will find that using at least a 1/0 or 2/0 hook makes everything much easier than working with the smaller hooks. Go look around Ronn’s website and look at the hook profiles and find out which one looks best to you and then find something that will work for you.

Hope this helps.

Matt Inman

Thanks for the replies. I’ve been looking at other hooks and patterns lately and have wondered if a blind eye is better? It seems that most of the full dressed patterns Ive been seeing are tied on a blind eye. How do you mount the gut to the hook? Is it tied in as part of the thread head when finishing the fly. I dont remember seeing that mentioned in the tutorials for the Atlantic Tying pages.

Thanks again,


Try this link for an answer to your question about gut eyes. … index.html

You are walking down a slippery slope. You cannot be a casual Salmon Fly Dresser. It will consume your thoughts, time, wallet and soul much more than any other type of fly tying that I know. Proceed with caution.

Ronn Lucas’ series of tutorials are available on this site and and his site along with all of his beautiful hooks. My suggestion is to read everything written by Ronn first and then begin to look at the other offerings available. Wander over to and go to the classic salmon section and begin to read everything posted. Gawk at all of the beautiful flies by Dave Carne, Ronn Lucas, Goku, Troutbum7, Matt Inman :lol: , birdy34, roycestearnes, Bud Guidry, just about everyone. Use the search function over there before you ask questions because if you asking the question, odds are someone else has already asked the question. I have been amazed and shocked at the help and friendly advice given to me and how quickly one can progress under their tutelage. Hope this helps, e-mail me if you have any questions. I started about 4 months ago and have made big leaps and jumps in a short time. For an example of one of my flies you can check out and see my Bulldog, by far my best effort to date. John McClain, the owner of is your source for most everything you should need in materials.