We have put ourselfs in a possition to rely on China for so many things, but I have noticed (more lately) that their quality has gone down hill…bad.
The most recent being Mattel Toys. It is like they don’t give a crap about the items they send to other countries.
My hope is that some of the BIG US companies stop importing goods and start building them right here. Of course we all know that means higher prices.
What is everyone elses feelings on this? Am I missing something?
I don’t think you’re missing anything. I agree with you 100% right on.
What concerns me more than they builders or makers are doing shoddy work is that the quality controls of the businesses has gone downhill. If the company decision makers were not “ok-ing” the crap they get, then they wouldn’t keep making it that way. Is there a resolution in sight, besides more expenses? Don’t know, but I doubt it.
I am in a unique position in the fly fishing world. I do get to know some of the internal workings of more than one company. The information becomes either private, proprietary, or just no ones darn business. My point is that I get to know stuff you don’t. The good news is that it is almost always good. Very good actually. I know the struggles and hard business decisions that some companies make and live with every day. Quality rules self-imposed guidelines. They are not ‘inspecting quality’ in; they are ‘building quality’ in.
I will tell you this! You can be proud, very darn proud of them. They have a reputation to uphold, a name to protect and a family of workers to support over the long pull. Whether some use some off-shore or globally secured components or not, I stand by my statement. These companies are doing a darn good job;, the very best they can.
The Chinese just shot the dude in the head who was the head gov’t officer for product safety in China. What else do you want them to do RIGHT NOW? I think they’re being way more proactive about this than WE would be in their position.
However, Asia is a BIG and complex place. ALL of the recalls we’ve seen lately and the ensuing fallout has been CHINA. Most fly fishing products do not come from China. Most come from Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, and S Korea. And we haven’t seen a product recall or quality scandal in the fly fishing industry.
Are we, as a nation, too dependent upon imports? That’s a totally different and entirely political discussion.
And on the OTHER hand, product safety laws here in the god ole… are HONED to pander to product safety LITIGATION. Why else would a hair dryer have a warning label stating : DO NOT USE UNDER WATER.
Some of the Mattell recall stuff is pure PC, “may contain lead” ??? I personally wouldn’t eat a plastic toy, and, look at me, I ran through the house with scissors all the time and I’m STILL alive.
Yes, some of the Chinese stuff is cheap junk but what do you expect for $.99 cents.
- It is hard to deny that we are in a world economy. The asian people like americans have a strong work ethic, amercan companies are the one who set the designs and specs of products. Because these tainted products were recalled shows the system works.
Please don’t get me wrong, I am a loyal amercan and believe we americans can do anything we set our minds to. I also believe that USA is still a land of oppourtunity. In my life time I have personally known a couple self made millionaires. One is a brother in law who struggled for a long time barely able to pay his bills in 4 or 5 different jobs until he finally found the right combination. By the way he does not have a college education, did’nt win a lottery or sue somebody for it. I buy amercan more often than not if there is a choice.
Sometimes as far as cars go I temped to try an Asian brand auto because I tend to put a lot of miles on a vehicle and keep it a lot of years but so far I have not.
I do have a coulple of redington cps fly rods that are light and crisp and fit me to a T. They are very well made and cast like a dream, and the are made to redingtons spec’s in china.
I know this can be an emotional subject, but I do not think there is any going back or denying that we are in a world economy
Quality Control starts within the foundation of the Company. Quality Control can be governed by input of Employees. If a worker inputs incorrect info into machines, then it doesn’t matter how good that robot is at doing it’s job.
Marco is right about the lead paint on the Mattel toys, it isn’t a safety issue! It’s a manufacturing blunder.
The issue that bothers me is the China Seafood Issue!! ONE BILLION lbs of imported FISH! And the FDA can’t HANDLE the Quality or Inspections!! I’m not touching it!
Fish Farmers raising their fish in polluted water, feeding the fish antibiotics. If China is Happy with their Seafood, then they can keep it!
This thread is a good one, with lots of eloquent posts.
however I will keep it simple.
I’m going to agree with fly goddes on this.
China’s quality is improving. Japan, Europe, and the USA have spent a lot of $ and energy training the China’s workforce. Let’s face it you can’t take a country of farmers and make them engineers overnight. The real issue is China’s workforce is growing at a greater pace than their ability to have proper oversight. This is the burden we are faced with given the need to find cheap labor. China has over a billion people eager for a better life.
There is a News Story on Google News titled; China’s problems with lead go beyond toys.
China has citizens that ARE getting poisoned by lead FUMES from lead smelters that aren’t using filter equipment. China is up against it! Should they SAVE money by cutting corners? OR spend money on making China a first class competitor in the World manufacturing?
I’ve read stories that hinted or said that China is out of control and that is about as BAD as it gets since it has a MAJOR impact on the World.
According to this article China is receiving pressure from the U.S. and other country’s manufacturers to CUT costs of their goods and that’s NOT good in the long run since China will not have the money to upgrade.
Blog on the Article (comments) (Isn’t GREED wonderful?)
Brian Fowler
Why doesn’t China outsource this manufacturing to another country that doesn’t use lead paint?
I miss the days when everything said “Made in Japan”.
Buster Brown
Although cheap Chinese consumer items are a bargain, they are not worth losing American jobs. The pollution and the many other environmental hazards that are ignored just to produce a cheaper product.
I think it is a great accomplishment that we have forced the tycoons and moguls to quit polluting over here and move their polluting and pillaging of resources to the world’s largest communist country. Other than that, I don’t see how anything has really changed all that much. Well, there is that whole 1-day trial and execution by firing squad the next morning at sunrise for government officials responsible for oversight who take bribes to look the other way thing. But I think that’s an improvement too.
We cannot ignore that we now live in a global economy, and keeping our commerce within the boundaries of the US is not going to make us, in the long run, a stronger country. And you will never get rid of imported goods until the US can manufacture those goods, or similar ones, at the same price, which aint gonna happen in our lifetimes.
Says the man typing on a computer made in China, wearing a T-shirt made in Honduras, shoes made in China, socks (sho knows), and jeans made in the US (woohoo, but then again it is a federal government uniform, so…)
I admit that I know little or nothing about business. It looks to me, though, that it’s all about a company deciding how tight their tolerances will be, how pure their ingredients, how well inspected the factories and products, and then actually following up by putting inspectors in place in the factories in China. I know that some tool companies (like table saws, etc.) insist on better fit and finish than others and use their own inspectors and that others don’t… sometimes right out of the same factory buildings. I’ve been told this by the very people who have set up a couple of factories over there. So if the companies wanted it done right in China, it probably could be. I hope they realize that they’re better off moving some production back here to the states.
You might have noticed the Press Reports about millions of Toys manufactured in China being recalled. Well don’t worry the ‘Sky isn’t Falling!’ :shock: The Press conveniently neglects to tell anyone that lead paint on anything won’t make you sick or kill you unless you consume a gigantic amount of it!
The Press has ‘Hot Button’ words and one of them is Lead.
Yeah, but they recalled MILLIONS of toys. Now…if ONE kid ate ALL of them… :lol:
Yeah, but they recalled MILLIONS of toys. Now…if ONE kid ate ALL of them… :lol:[/quote]
Well, that was just rude…now I have to wipe coffee off my monitor :lol:
Drown your monitor! Get one of mine, Dell 17 inch LCD, it’s sweet!
Actually is requires surprisingly little lead to cause brain damage in very small children. Those are the ones that put everything, including their toys, in the mouths. After one reaches age 5, or even earlier, the brain has grown a membrane around itself that goes a very long way in protecting its from lead poisoning. It is the very young who are at greatest risk for lead poisoning. This is a big issue in the wargaming community because lead was used in the manufacture of “historical miniatures” (a.k.a. “toy soldiers”) for decades. I have just passed on the info that one of the members of our wargaming club gave us. He is a professor of chemistry at Vanderbilt University, so I tend to trust him. BTW, his explanation of super glue is really interesting.
Yes, EdD, from what I understand your friend is correct. I think folks were trying to inject a bit of humor in an attempt to put this in some perspective. It was an obvious over-statement. As real estate agents, we were very actively involved in the lead paint disclosure, testing, and certification business. Lead paint is pretty harmless to anyone over the age of 5 because we are so unlikely to eat it and have a higher tolerance. But it is a very real threat to small children. And ANY amount of lead paint on a product or in a residential building is a HUGE problem that will prevent the commercial or private transfer of said items.
Maybe now we know why the Chinese shot that government minister in the head and sent his family a bill for the bullet.