article on selling flies

The latest “Fly Tyer” an article by Al & Gretchen Beaty on what it takes to sell flies. All of the legal things besides tying the flies.

It is a very good read. Thanks to both of them for laying it out so plainly.


Never bought Fly Tyer before. How much is it per issue. i’m interested in this article, when will a new one come out?


It’s published quarterly and available at many fly shops. I believe the next issue should be Summer 2007. It is the only fly fishing type magazine I subscribe to. I don’t recall the price per issue or yearly but there are links to subscribe all over the net.

In case you need this…

Fly Tyer…1 800 397 8159

I’m assuming it comes out 4 times per year. is it worth the cost for only 4 mags?? sometimes i don’t think it is for some.

I get a few mags…actually cut back…but if I was limited to one …and tying …I would stick with Fly Tyer.

i’ll have to pick up a copy next time i get to the shop

Dang It!
Doug P.S. Did Immigration arrest the person that was trying to smuggle it to me? :cry:

LOL, get a grip… or is that get a gripe.


Not to hijack the thread BUT…

If you don’t you SHOULD subscribe to the [url=]Pennsylvania Angler & Boater Magazine[/url:db682] published by the PA Fish & Boat Commission.

It too is published quarterly and among great articles about places to fish; there is also usually a fly tying article with instructions by Charlie Meck every issue. I’ve been saving those fly patterns since the days when Chauncey Lively wrote the fly tying feature.

It’s not exclusively about fly fishing but a great magazine for PA anglers.

GBF, Actually I’m GRIPING! and I need to get a GRIP!
Doug P.S. I’ll find a USED mag out there! :oops:

Fly Tyer Magazine has a website at


Your right. Very good read, and for all the reasons they stated, I tie for fun, not for profit.


I called their Customer Service, AGAIN, and “were sorry because of emergency we are down today”
I will try again tomorrow.
Doug P.S maybe I will get a lifetime subscription for my trouble! and a PIG will fly by my window! :shock:

There’s an article in this issue on vintage Bass Flies … Mary Orvis Marbury style, by one of Oregon’s excellent tyers Mike Boyer. Great article, Al & Gretchen’s article is very informative for anyone thinking about getting into tying to make some money.

Thanks for the info! :smiley:
If Fly Tyer hadn’t notified me a few weeks ago, that I would be receiving my FIRST issue soon, I might have forgot all about it.
Another thing that bugs me is I know it isn’t a monthly, so I’m only going to get 4 issues.
Does anyone know where the nice WARM sun is?
Doug :smiley:

Yes, Doug, it’s where I am…I can see where Gramps is and he doesn’t have any…well , I’m talking about daylight hours…I know he’s socked in :roll: