Last time, I think the name of the magazine distracted from the message, grin, and I didn’t mean to stir any controversy, just to spread the enthusiasm…
now, there’s a free posting of the article on getting kids fly fishing in schools.
I’m into it, you may or may not be, but, if you are, or know someone who might be interested, here’s a link to pass along!
Kathy, most excellent. Thank you for sharing this with us. There is definitely a lot many of us can and should do in order to assure the education of the next generation of fly fishers. It gives one pause to think of all the many opportunities, now I just need to get off my behind and do my part. Thanks, again, and congratulations on the article being published - well done!
What a great incentive for fly fishers to think about starting a class in their own communities. Fly Tying is another great thing to offer in the schools, YMCA’s and Adult Education Classes. The later 2 are paid positions for the class instructors, based upon class participation. All you have to do is put your class ideas to paper and propose it.
Introducing young students to fly fishing…it can’t get much better than that.