Art Neumann was the man I bought my first flyrod from. At the time I knew little about fishing and less about trout. I also didn’t know about a little group he help found; you may have heard of it, Trout Unlimited. When I walked into his Wanigas shop I walked in as a stranger and walked out as a friend. I also walked out with a sweet 7’ 5 weight which to this day is still a favorite rod of mine. I thought you might like this little article I found here. My firend from Kawkawlin (MI) alerted me to the nice write-up in the Bay City Times.
Thank you, Mr. Neumann!
We both knew him well, his stiff first finger and all. Many learned to cast like that; he could only cast like that. We were charter members of the group. It was called the Mearshan group in Saginaw. We used to meet at the home of Winn Case often. Deanna was the first lady member. The first ‘paid’ executive director of TU was hired by her. His name was Peter Van Guytenbeek, still ‘kicking around’ the fly fishing game. I first met her there. All the ‘records’ for TU were carried to each meeting in a beer case. You did not join TU back then?
Nice article, he is a true pioneer!
for sharing that article with us. He is indeed a great gentleman. Jim
Yes I joined. I wish I had the paperwork from that time. Gone the way of all flesh.
JC and I were active in those early years when TU was just a fledgling organization. I met Art many times during those years, attended hearings with him, and had the privilege of serving on the Michigan Council of TU. I did not know that Art was still alive, but I am glad to know that a few of the old original members are still alive. Thanks for sharing.